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Orange County Youth Commission <br />Santa Ana, California <br />A celebration party to mark the 3 month achievement of completion of the 12 Life <br />and Goals Setting lessons or materials will be provided and job internships. <br />Students will receive certificates of completion and will be rewarded for perfect <br />attendance and satisfactory attendance. At six months, a special Certificate and <br />gift will be presented to the mentors marking their six month participation and an <br />end of the employment mentoring process. <br />Character development is a unique emphasis we have incorporated into our <br />after-school programs. Our curriculum encourages responsibility and other <br />positive social behaviors so youth can live out ethical lifestyles and succeed in <br />their future goals including employment opportunities. Our goal is to provide <br />these young people with the character education necessary to make personal, <br />academic, career-goals and meet these goals successfully in the process of <br />training them in the sport of boxing. This also aids in providing our youth the <br />opportunity to develop positive social behaviors and life skills that will help them <br />acquire and retain future employment. These character traits include: 1) Respect; <br />2) Responsibility; 3) Integrity; 4) Compassion; 5) Perseverance; 6) Initiative and <br />7) Forgiveness. All of these character traits are .necessary to pursue academic <br />and career goals and be successful once goals are achieved. They also support <br />conflict-resolution skills and give youth inner-strength to work through challenges <br />in life. These character traits are those found in productive workers and citizens. <br />They represent the type of character we appreciate in our government and <br />business leaders. <br />Element #7 Supportive Services: <br />Helping the client- students to obtain books, supplies and clothing so that they <br />can be successful is a major part of the work that we do. Food is also another <br />important service that we will help to obtain for the client. There are a variety of <br />sources for the clothing and food that they need to survive. We will make sure <br />that the clients know about the different services that are available to them. <br />Many of these young adults do not have parents that provide them with these <br />bare necessities. Before the client can attend school they need the supplies that <br />are required from the class. We will provide funds for the client to buy the <br />materials required through our WIA grant and through private contributions. <br />Planned Outcomes: <br />Short-term outcomes include maintaining or increasing GPA, attendance, literacy <br />and numeracy scores on the TABE from pre to post testing. Intermediate <br />outcome measures include continued involvement with the after-school boxing <br />club and/or peer mentoring, improvement in attitude. Long-term outcome <br />includes earning high-school diploma, job placement and trade school or college <br />entry and completion. Case notes in each individual's case file will serve to <br />5 <br />