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Orange County Youth Commission <br />Santa Ana, California <br />Staffing: <br />We have planned for adequate staffing to implement program objectives and <br />ensure that goals and activities are achieved. <br />In 2007-08, the Club will be staffed as follows: <br />• 0.375 FTE Project Manager <br />• 1.0 FTE Sports Club Director <br />• 0.25 FTE Case Manager <br />• 0.25 FTE Tutor <br />~ 0.125 FTE Tutor Assistant <br />0.125 FTE Administrative Support <br />• 0.125 FTE Employment Mentoring Program Administrator <br />MAIN PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM <br />The goal of the Orange County Youth Commission is to develop after-school <br />programs that effectively redirect at-risk inner city youth towards positive <br />academic and career choices and career preparation. "At-risk" youth, as defined <br />above, tend to display behaviors that catapult them into a life cycle of inadequate <br />academic and/or job performance, that result in poverty and/or adult criminality. <br />Our programs are designed to mitigate negative life choices and enhance <br />positive life choices made by these at-risk youths. They are designed to provide <br />options that incorporate academic strengthening with the potential for work <br />preparation and experience. <br />Academic support. The after-school boxing club program is designed to provide <br />academic support, which is a precursor to job and career success, and incentives <br />to Santa Ana inner city youth. Our after school boxing club is unique in that it <br />serves as an incentive for Santa Ana inner city at-risk youth, to meet higher <br />academic standards and it serves a tool to instruct these youth in necessary <br />character development that will ensure academic and career success. This <br />program will increase commitment to academic achievement, thus raise, <br />maintain and exceed GPA of 2.0 and literacy and numeracy scores will increase. <br />Most of our present boxing team members have raised their GPA from as low as <br />1.0 to 2.0 and higher. We have not only seen increase GPA level, but also <br />discontinued gang activity, appropriate attitude change, improved attendance <br />and initiative. <br />Employment Mentoring Program <br />A new mentoring program geared to assist the older aged WIA clients with <br />employment preparation, job shadowing, employment on-site internships and <br />8 <br />