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Orange County Youth Commission <br />Santa Ana, California <br />To ensure that our clients graduate from high school, get a job after high-school, <br />or continue acollege-bound trajectory, we plan to continue to engage them to <br />remain as members of our after-schoo! boxing club. Moreover, we plan to invite <br />seasoned members to get involved by becoming peer mentors. Therefore <br />continued involvement and peer mentoring will serve as intermediate outcome <br />measures. <br />Long-term outcomes (i.e., high school graduation, trade-school or college <br />enrollment/completion, jobs in the fields of the clients interests): Projected <br />percent of youth who achieve one or combination of objective = 75% <br />The attention to literacy and numeracy competency, along with 2.0 GPA is for the <br />purpose ensuring high school graduation and subsequent job placement and <br />success, trade school enrollment or college bound trajectory. Thus, high school <br />diploma, job placement and success, and trade school or college <br />enrollment/completion will serve as long-term outcome measures. <br />With our new employment mentoring component we will measure the success of <br />our program, by the interest and attendance of the students, the effort they put <br />into goal setting creating immediate, intermediate and long term goals and the <br />steps that are taken to achieve their immediate goals. <br />Incentives will be given to the youths to continue in the program. Youth receive a <br />certificate of completion for participation. <br />The boxing club has been an incentive to the youth to maintain 2.0 GPA in order <br />to become a member of the boxing team. We do not turn any young person <br />away. They are welcome to utilize our boxing facility and we encourage them to <br />do so. However, once they begin to attend they quickly realize they must meet <br />the 2.0 GPA criterion to become a member of the boxing team. This has proven <br />successful, thus we plan to capitalize on the galvanizing properties of boxing <br />team membership by instituting incentives for increases in GPA over 2.0. To <br />support these goals, we offer one hour tutoring prior to boxing activity and we <br />continue to serve WIA youths, providing tutoring and mentoring for those who <br />come in later in the day. Completion of homework and receiving assistance from <br />the tutor is a precursor to being able to participate in boxing activity. <br />Youth who .demonstrate commitment to goats and improvement in grades and <br />other measurements will be incentivized with a gift card, a Boxing Club <br />sweatshirt, boxing gloves, wraps, and additional time in the boxing ring. Enriching <br />activities such as trips to Big Bear, the beach or Magic Mountain and museums <br />are also great incentives to stay in the program. Additionally, participation in <br />community service projects provide leadership training, self-confidence and <br />personal satisfaction in knowing you are doing something positive to serve the <br />community. <br />12 <br />