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FRtN't . <br />FAX N4. Rug. .8 2009 12:2t3PM P3 <br />Af)Y)1TIC}N~~.iNS~R ~NI)Utt~hM)aNT <br />rOR CUMMi;RC;IAL G~;~1E~~,1.tABt4l;l„~Y,nt7LICY <br />Insurance Company ~a,r ~.c I _L.n ~~~~-c ~o_.... E.h~ <br />This endorsement modi#ics suah irtsuranca ax iti a~'arded by the provisions of Pnlicy <br /># ~~~2~=1}-Ib2~i~!~.Yc}atingtotltcfollawing: <br />1. 'I'ha City of ,Santa Ana, 20 (:lute Cantor Plaza, Santa Ana, Calif©rnla 927Q1; its <br />csfficars, employees, agents, volunteers and reprasenlativCSAro named as addlti>nai insureds <br />("additional insureds") tivith regard W Iiabillty and defense gfsuits.arising frotrytha oporatlaiis <br />and uses perfonnocl by or an beitaif of the named insnred. <br />2, With respect t~ claims arising out ofthc operations and ~uscs performed by gran <br />bchalt of the planed insured, such insurance as is a#3brdcd by this policy is prinaty and is nat <br />additinnal to or contributing with any other insurtu~aa carried by or fur Qte benefit of the <br />additional insureds. <br />3, 'I'bis insurance applies separately to eaoh insured against whom claim is made or <br />suit is Uroughi except with respect tv the company's lirnlts o£tiability. The in ~lusirn~ of any <br />parson or organiy~tinn as an insured shall not a#>?eet any right which such park n car csrganizatton <br />would have as a claimant [f pat so included. <br />4. With respec:i to ~8 additional inFUreds, this insurance shall nathe cancelled, or <br />materially rrciucecl in caveragc or limits oxcept after thirty (30) days wr}ttan notice has been <br />given to the City of Santa Ana, 20 Givfc Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California 9~~701. <br />(Camp}coon of il-e fallmving, inoluding countcrslgnature, is roquircd to males -his anclnrtiement <br />of~eetiva.) <br />Et~ctive 3 - l --~~ - 3 - I - ~ v _._. ., ., this endorsement i'orm as a part at' <br />Polley # _ ~ S"~,~.A ~! ~.-~ H~Q H .... <br />issued to.~~t~1...~'r+k-~,.~,-~.,r, --- <br />Hamad insured <br />Countersigl~ad by ~ ~'~ ..-- <br />l r}ze ltepreReniativ~. <br />