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NS-2791 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code to Update City's Regulation of Graffiti
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2009 (NS-2779 - NS-2802)
NS-2791 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code to Update City's Regulation of Graffiti
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:00:16 PM
Creation date
8/25/2009 4:48:33 PM
City Clerk
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Amend Section 10-221 to 10-233
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equipment, by employees of the retail establishment during the regular course of <br />`„ business. In the event that a commercial retail establishment is unable to store the <br />aerosol paint containers, paint sticks, glass etching solution, or broad-tipped <br />markers in an area as provided above, the establishment shall store the <br />containers, sticks, and markers in an area not accessible to the public without <br />employee assistance. <br />(b) Etching Tools. Every person who owns, conducts, operates or <br />manages a retail commercial establishment selling masonry or glass drill bits, <br />carbide drill bit, glass cutters, grinding stones, awls, chisels or carbide scribes, <br />shall store or cause such items to be stored in an area viewable by, but not <br />accessible to, the public in the regular course of business without employee <br />assistance, pending legal sale or disposition of such items. <br />(c) Customer Signage. Every retail commercial establishment selling <br />graffiti implements shall post a sign in clear public view at or near display of such <br />products stating: "Pursuant to Penal Code Section 594.1, place a sign in clear <br />public view at or near the display of such products stating: "Graffiti is against the <br />law. Any person who defaces real or personal property with paint or any other <br />liquid or device is guilty of a crime punishable by imprisonment of up to 6 months <br />and/or a fine up to $1000". <br />(d) Additional Signage. Every retail commercial establishment selling <br />,~ graffiti implements shall place a sign in the direct view of such persons responsible <br />for accepting customer payment for graffiti implements stating: "Selling spray <br />paint, paint sticks, or broad-tipped markers to persons less than eighteen (18) <br />years of age is against the law and punishable by a fine of $1000". <br />Sec. 2-223.1. Graffiti Prohibited. <br />(a) Defacement. It shall be unlawful for any person to apply graffiti to <br />any natural or manmade surface on any public or private-owned property or, <br />without permission of the owner or occupant. <br />(b) Directing, Aiding and Abetting. It shall be unlawful for any person to <br />solicit or command another person to apply graffiti, or for any person to aid or abet <br />or agree to aid or abet another person to plan to apply or apply graffiti. <br />Section 6. Sections 10-224 through 10-225 are added to Chapter 10 of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code to read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 10-224. Penalties and other Remedies. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2791 <br />Page 5 of 13 <br />
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