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B. AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING <br />Santa Ana participated in the preparation of a regional Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair <br />Housing as the primary means to affirm fair housing opportunities in the community. The <br />regional AI was a joint effort of the Fair Housing Council of Orange County (FHCOC), the County <br />of Orange, and Orange County jurisdictions that receive funds from HUD. HUD regulations <br />require that an AI be prepared in conjunction with the Consolidated Plan cycle (i.e., at least <br />every five years). The current regional AI was prepared in 2005, and covers the time period of <br />program years 2005-2006 through 2009-2010. <br />The AI identified impediments to fair housing choice on a regional basis and outlines strategies <br />regional partners can undertake to overcome identified impediments. In compliance with <br />federal regulations the following information is provided with respect to actions taken during <br />the report period to affirmatively further fair housing. <br />1. Actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housina <br />As a means to affirm fair housing opportunities, the AI identifies regional impediments and an <br />action plan to address identified impediments. It is important to note that not all of the <br />impediments delineated in the AI may be present in Santa Ana. <br />The regional AI identified the following impediments to fair housing choice: <br />f <br />• A need exists for cost sensitive and effective fair housing counseling that provides <br />comprehensive educational services and fair housing enfcement. <br />• There is a need for apro-active evaluation of fair lending practices in the region to evaluate, <br />explain and eliminate disparity in lending practices by race and national origin as evidenced <br />by Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) aggregate data. <br />• Local jurisdictions should enter into discussions with banking institutions located in Orange <br />County to encourage the use of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) funds in ways that will <br />benefit minority and Low-Income neighborhoods. This can be accomplished by encouraging <br />banks to support programs to increase financial literacy and to use mainstream banking <br />services to promote saving for home ownership, higher education ormicro-businesses. <br />• Many local jurisdictions do not have a formal fair housing education system in place for <br />employees who impact fair housing issues (e.g., planning/zoning staff and code <br />enforcement staff). <br />^ Insurance companies may be targeting certain zip codes for higher denial rates or different <br />terms and conditions. <br />14 Draft 8/26/2009 <br />19F-20 <br />