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T{re St~tozz District Project <br />IY Ti;iE REL+OCA'I`I~N PROGRAlI~ <br />The Agency's Relocation Program is designed to minimize hardship, be responsive to unique <br />project circumstances, emphasize maintaining personal contaeC with all affected individuals, <br />consistently apply,all regulatory criteria to foi7nulate eligibility and benefit detern3znatioos and. <br />conform to all applteable regturements. <br />The Agency has retained Overland, Pacific ~ Cutler, Tnc. ~OPC) to administer the Relocation. <br />Program. CPC has. worked an more Phan x;800 public Agency- :acquisition and relocation <br />projects over the past 28 years, Additionally, aPC has a_n extensive resume. of redevelopment <br />undertaken in the City of Sazita Ana and other southern California caiirritxnities. Experie~iced <br />_. <br />Agency-staff-will monifor.the perfortnaxce of OPC aril be respora~ible to approve:,or di.Sapprove <br />CPC recommendations concerning eligibility and berie~t determinations anti interpretations of <br />the Ageriey's policy. <br />-The relocation program consists of two. grineipal constituents: Advisory Assistance and Financial <br />Assistance. <br />A:. ADVISORY' ASSTS'TAl~1CE <br />Eligible indivieluals,, vvho will need to move from. existing homes, i~i.ll .receive advisory <br />.. <br />assistance. Advisory assistance services are intended to: <br />« inform clisplacees about the relocation program <br />• help in the process of finding approprate.replacement accommodations <br />facilitate claims processing <br />e maintain a c©inmunicatiori link with the Agency <br />coordinate the involvement. of outside servile .prcividers. <br />To follow through on the advisory assis.tarice componentof`the relocatiirc program and assure <br />that the. Agency meets its obligations- under. the law, relocation stal'F will perform: the following- <br />f-unetions: <br />l . Distribute appropriate written: infdnnation cancerriing the Agency's relocation <br />program; <br />2, hform eligible project occupan#s afthe nature of, and procedures foi, obtaining <br />avaiIable:reiocation assistance and benef ts. (See Exhibit D) <br />3: Determine the needs of each residential displacee eligible for assistance;. <br />4. Provide residential displaeees wi#li at-least three referrals to. cvmpartilZle replacement <br />housing within. a reasonable tiii3e prior fo ciisplaceinent; <br />5., 11r1aintain an updated database of available- hot~sing.resotirees, and distribute refexral <br />i~ifortuation to dispIacees for the duration of the Project; <br />7 <br />55D-12 <br />