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•d ~ <br />GIS Data Resources, Inc. <br />Proposal 1 Work Authorization No: 2259 <br />Date: 3118109 <br />GDR Office: x 8 Uigilal Ste 200. Navato, CA 94949 • Tel (415) 864.4437 FAX (415) 884.4407 <br />2469 East Geddes Place, Centennial, CO 80122 Tel (303) 710-144 FAX (3031)70.1441 <br />Job Namo: Santa Ana Fire GIS Integration LL GOR Rep: Tony Alex, Lxesutrve Vice President <br />CUStom@f: San!a Ana Depanmem _,_ .___ _ <br />Address: 1459 S. Broaa:+ay. Santa Ana. CA 92707 __ ~._____ <br />Contact: Uar4 rvmer _ -- - - <br />Phone: n4 547.5727 _ ___ E-Mail: d rner n - na.or <br />Project Ooscrlptlon: Seamlessly integrate the existing Santa Ana Fire Gl5 base map created and maintained by GDR into the Urange County Fire <br />___._. T <br />Department's GIS base map. __ . -.. <br />State Plane <br />Pro action: 1-130 _ <br />Zone: TBD _ <br />Units: ~~ iTBD <br /> <br />Datum: <br />Spheroid:- __.. -r--- - -- --- <br />76D <br />__ T8~ <br />Data <br />Spatial Extonts: City of Santa Ana _ <br />Project boundary GIS file:.Cily of Santa Ana _____ <br />Delivery Schedule Datos: 30 days or sooner a'ter receipt of PO or Contract ____ <br />DATA <br />County/City O' <br />n~ <br />Streets air RouG Lines <br />_ <br />_ <br />1 m+te buffer Liras <br />City Boundaries <br />- <br />Polygons <br />- - ----- <br />Polite Btluntlanes Pot ons _ ___ <br />Fire Boundaries Poi ons <br />EhQS Boundanes Polygons <br /> <br />Trnrin Boundaries ___ <br />Polygons _ _ ___ <br />tma~ery Raver <br />Budtling Footprints Polygons -._.____ <br />Consumer dBusiness data <br />Common Place Geocode <br />MD'J's Points ~ <br />ZIP Codes Polygons <br />H drams Points i <br /> <br />Railroads <br />Lines <br />- _ _ <br />_ <br />NFIe Fdarkers ----- _ <br />Points _ -_ <br />Fiydrology , 1 _ <br />Prcpeny Info Data <br /> <br />Total Project Cost <br />Payment Schedule: Due upon receipt <br />DELIVERABLE _ <br />GDR D®liverable <br /> <br />$10,000.00 <br />Terms of License: See GDR's Enduser License Agreement <br />Maintenance: 1;So 01 in~~+al pncetupdale <br />A'un 2. F.1ax 4 updatesryr <br />Price Valid For: 60 tlays from above date <br />Mote: Delin uent accounts will be subject to a lat© fee of 2% per month. T Pa~meni 7orms: Duo~on Receipt Ot Invoice. <br />GIS Oats Resources, 62c. Company: Santa Ana Fire Oeparlment ~__ <br />Name: Tony Alex Name: <br />Title. Execut[ve VP, Business Development Title: <br />BY' .._ . By: <br />Date: 311812003 __ _ ~ Date: <br />___....__ ._ t_._ . _.._-.. <br />Exhibit E <br />25A-12 <br />