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The proposed indoor soccer facility will not be <br />detrimental to persons residing and working in the <br />area as the use, as conditioned, will not create any <br />negative or adverse impacts. Conditions of approval <br />have been added limiting the facilities hours of <br />operation and time between games to prevent any <br />conflicts with the surrounding industrial uses. <br />Additionally, the majority of the activity for this use will <br />occur in the evenings and on the weekends when <br />other industrial uses will not be active. <br />iii. Will the proposed use adversely affect the present economic <br />stability or future economic development of properties <br />surrounding the area? <br />The proposed indoor soccer facility will positively affect <br />both the present and future economic stability of <br />surrounding area by occupying a previously vacant <br />tenant space as well further diversifying the types of <br />tenants present within this industrial center. The <br />proposed use's hours of operation will limit any affect <br />on surrounding tenants or properties by operating <br />primarily on nights and weekends when other industrial <br />uses are not active. <br />iv. Will the proposed use comply with the regulations and <br />conditions specified in Chapter 41 for such use? <br />The proposed project, as conditioned, will be in <br />compliance with all applicable conditions of Chapter 41 <br />of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />v. Will the proposed use adversely affect the General Plan or <br />any speck plan of the City? <br />The proposed project will not adversely affect the <br />General Plan. The addition of indoor soccer in this <br />location supports several General Plan Policies, <br />including Land Use Element Policy 1.8 which <br />encourages the development of commercial <br />recreational facilities, and Policy 2.2 which encourages <br />development which accommodates the City's need for <br />goods and services. This project will provide a much <br />needed opportunity for recreation within an area of the <br />City that is substantially underserved by the existing <br />parks. <br />Resolution No. 2009-15 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />31 A-12 <br />