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the property's location within the General Commercial (C-2) zoning <br />district allows a variety of office and retail uses which are <br />unconditionally permitted in this zone and similar in nature to the <br />proposed use. <br />3. That the granting of a variance will not be materially detrimental to the <br />public welfare or injurious to surrounding property. <br />The Santa Ana Municipal Code was amended in 1999 to require a <br />1,000 foot separation between check cashing facilities as a way to <br />prevent the over proliferation of this type of use and the potential for <br />illicit activity associated with check cashing uses. The approval of <br />this variance and subsequent conditional use permit has the potential <br />to be detrimental to the public welfare in that by allowing a second <br />check cashing facility within 1,000 feet of another facility will only <br />increase the potential for illicit activity. Further, allowing an additional <br />use on this site will further intensify the lack of off-street parking. <br />4. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan of the City. <br />The granting of the variance will adversely affect the City's General <br />Plan by opposing several of the General Plan Land Use policies, <br />including Policy 2.2 by allowing an additional conditionally permitted <br />use in an area which is already accommodated by an adequate <br />amount of banking services. Additionally, the approval of this <br />variance will oppose Land Use Policy 2.9 which supports <br />developments that create a business environment that is safe and <br />attractive, while check cashing facilities have been known <br />historically to be locations of illicit activity. <br />H <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41-638 authorizes the Planning <br />Commission to grant a conditional use permit upon making certain findings. <br />Will the proposed use provide a service or facility which will <br />contribute to the general well being of the neighborhood or <br />community? <br />The addition of another check cashing business in this area will not <br />contribute to the general well being of the neighborhood or <br />community. An Office of Planning and Research study regarding <br />check cashing concluded that the average check cashing business <br />patron will spend up to five percent of their annual income paying <br />fees to cash checks when most commercial banks will offer this <br />service for free or reduced rate. Additionally, there is another <br />check cashing facility proposing to operate in the adjacent center <br />Resolution No. 2009-11 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />31 B-36 <br />