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AGREEMENT shall be retained for five (5) years after final disposition of such property. <br />Records for any displaced person must be kept for five (5) years after s/he has received <br />final payment. Notwithstanding the above, if there are litigations, claims, audits, <br />negotiations, or other actions that involve any of the records, the records must be retained <br />until completion of the actions and resolution of all issues, or the expiration of the five <br />year period, whichever occurs later. <br />K. Client Data <br />1. SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain client data demonstrating client <br />eligibility for services provided for a period of five (5) years after the termination of all <br />activities funded under this AGREEMENT, or after the resolution of all Federal audit <br />findings, whichever occurs later. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, client <br />name, address, verifiable income level (as documented by income tax returns, employee <br />payroll records, retirement statements, etc., or other third party documentation acceptable <br />to CITY, for determining eligibility), and description of service provided. Such information <br />shall be made available to HUD representatives, CITY monitors, or their designees, for <br />review upon request. <br />2. SUBRECIPIENT shall develop and implement procedures to ensure <br />the confidentiality of records pertaining to any individual provided family violence <br />prevention or treatment services under any PROJECT assisted under the subject <br />program, including protection against the release of the address or location of any family <br />violence shelter project, except with the written authorization of the person responsible for <br />the operation of the shelter. <br />3. SUBRECIPIENT is required to actively participate and enter into the <br />CITY's local Homeless Management Information System/Client Management Information <br />System (HMIs/CMIS) all required client data on a monthly basis. The HMIs/CMIS is a <br />system for tracking the use of homeless programs and related activities producing an <br />unduplicated count of the people using those services. <br />L. Property Records <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain real property inventory records which clearly <br />identify properties improved. Properties retained shall continue to meet eligibility criteria, <br />rental limitations, health, safety and building codes according to federal, state and local <br />requirements, as amended from time to time. <br />Page 16 of 28 <br />