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described in Section VII of this AGREEMENT, concerning administrative requirements <br />and maintain records as to services provided and total number of persons served through <br />the PROJECT, including but not limited to, population-served analysis (i.e. extremely-low <br />income persons, very-low income persons, and low-income persons as defined by HUD). <br />Such information shall be available for periodic monitoring by representatives of CITY or <br />HUD and shall be submitted by SUBRECIPIENT in report form to CITY by dates specified <br />by CITY and specified in section VI.C.1 &2 of the attached Exhibit C. <br />B. SUBRECIPIENT shall submit quarterly reports to CITY within ten (10) days <br />prior to the end of quarter. Failure to receive reports in a timely manner will result in non- <br />compliance of the AGREEMENT. <br />C. The following "Performance Threshold" criteria shall be used to assess the <br />level of performance of the SUBRECIPIENT. Furthermore, the criteria will be considered <br />by the CITY when determining continued and future funding. In order to be considered in <br />compliance with the following performance criteria, the SUBRECIPIENT must, on or <br />before the required milestone date, submit to CITY a request for reimbursement which <br />demonstrates that SUBRECIPIENT has expended funds and met their proposed <br />accomplishment goals at the required levels, unless exempted in at the CITY'S discretion. <br />SUBRECIPIENT is required to submit to CITY the Quarterly Performance Report <br />(QPR), within ten (10) days prior to the end of quarter. In addition SUBRECIPIENT is <br />required to accomplish the minimum expenditure and accomplishment thresholds. <br />Milestone Dates Minimum Required Threshold <br />September 20, 2010 30-35% of contracted Amount Expended <br />30-35% of Proposed Accomplishments Met <br />June 20, 2011 50-55% of contracted Amount Expended <br />50-55% of Proposed Accomplishments Met <br />September 20, 2011 60% of contracted Amount Expended <br />60% of Proposed Accomplishments Met <br />February 20, 2012 85-90% of contracted Amount Expended <br />85-90% of Proposed Accomplishments Met <br />June 30, 2012 100% of contracted Amount Expended <br />100% of Proposed Accomplishments Met <br />Page 18 of 28 <br />