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XII. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS <br />A. This AGREEMENT does not direct, provide for assistance or loan and <br />mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern or regulate, real property acquisition, <br />disposition, leasing (other than tenant-based rental assistance), rehabilitation, alteration, <br />demolition, or new construction, or establish, revise or provide for standards for <br />construction or construction materials, manufacturing housing, or occupancy. <br />Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this AGREEMENT is categorically excluded from <br />environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. <br />4321). Moreover, consistent with the provisions for administrative and management <br />expenses, tenant-based rental assistance, and supportive services in 24 CFR <br />50.19(b)(3),(11), and (12), the eligible activities to be assisted under this AGREEMENT <br />are categorically excluded from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act <br />of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321) and are not subject to environmental review under the related <br />laws and authorities. <br />B. SUBRECIPIENT shall incur no costs for any project-related activity defined <br />in SUBRECIPIENT SCOPE OF SERVICES and CITY shall not disburse funds prior to <br />certification by CITY and/or HUD for environmental compliance. <br />C. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide requested materials to CITY for the <br />Environmental Review process required by applicable regulations. <br />D. Habitability Standards: SUBRECIPIENT providing rental assistance with <br />HPRP funds will be required to conduct initial and any appropriate follow-up inspections <br />of housing units into which a program participant will be moving. Units should be <br />inspected on an annual basis and upon a change of tenancy. Habitability standards are <br />listed in Appendix C of the Notice. SUBRECIPIENT may require more stringent <br />standards. <br />E. Lead-Based Paint <br />The Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.), <br />as amended by the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (42 <br />U.S.C. 4851 et seq.) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 35, subparts A, B, M, <br />and R shall apply to housing occupied by families receiving assistance through HPRP. <br />F. Historic Preservation <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with the Historic Preservation <br />Page 25 of 28 <br />