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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />HPRP PROGRAM CHECKLIST & APPLICATION <br />NAME OF APPLICANT: OC Partnership <br />NAME OF PROGRAM: Orange County Client Management Information System (CMIS) <br />PLACE THIS CHECKLIST ON TOP OF YOUR APPLICATION <br />DO NOT EXCEED WORD COUNT LIMIT- NARRATIVES THAT EXCEED WORD COUNT LIMIT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED <br />HPRP Application Checklist <br />® Checklist - Pg 1 <br />® Agency/Program Information/Certification Cover- Pg 2 <br />® Organizational Experience and Capacity - Pg 3 <br />® Statement of Need - Pg 8 <br />® Program Design - Pg 10 <br />®Financial & Grant Management Capacity - Pg 15 <br />®Budget/Proposed Use of Funds - Pg 17 <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />® Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws & Organization Chart <br />® Proof of 501 (C) (3) Nonprofit Status <br />® List of Board of Directors <br />® Most Recent Independent Audit &Financial Statement <br />® Most Recent 990 Forms filed with the IRS <br />® Consistency with the Consolidated Plan Certification (Required if you will be physically serving Santa <br />Ana clients in anotherjurisdiction.) <br />® Certification of Use of Regional HMIS <br />^ If application is submitted in collaboration with other service providers, provide copies of Letters of <br />Collaborative Partnerships, Memorandum of Understanding, etc. <br />® Example of staff timecards and accounting report demonstrating the ability to cost allocate HPRP <br />funds. <br />RFP HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & RAPID RE-HOUSING SERVICES 6/11/09 <br />1 <br />