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ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE & CAPACITY 20 POIntS <br />Describe the qualifications of your agency, its mission, history, and experience in relation to <br />carrying out the proposed HPRP-funded activity. Include the following: <br />^ Agency's mission statement <br />^ Years of experience providing homeless services <br />^ Years of experience providing specific HPRP program <br />^ Qualifications of the program manager & program staff <br />^ If program is to be carried out in collaboration with other agencies, provide information (listed <br />above) for each collaborating agency <br />^ Experience using HMIS (response on next page) <br />Limit Response to 1.250 Words <br />The mission of OC Partnership (OCP) is to strengthen Orange County's "Continuum of Care" so <br />that service providers can most efficiently and effectively assist homeless and at-risk <br />populations in achieving stable living conditions. <br />OC Partnership works directly with over 300 agencies that comprise the County's Continuum of <br />Care -social service providers who address/provide affordable housing, food, childcare, rent <br />assistance, healthcare, and shelter to homeless and at-risk residents. Our goal is to increase <br />the capacity of providers and to coordinate service delivery and resources so that no homeless <br />person "falls through the cracks." We accomplish our mission through the provision of the <br />following services: <br />• Orange County's Continuum of Care Collaborative - OCP provides leadership and <br />coordination for this collaborative planning process in partnership with OC Resources - <br />Homeless Prevention. OCP has helped acquire more than $111 million in funding for <br />housing programs for Orange County providers since 2000. <br />• Client Management Information System (CMIS) - OCP manages a region-wide <br />database collecting data on homeless services since 2006 from shelters, service <br />providers, and public agencies that serve homeless and at-risk clients. As the lead <br />agency for the county, OCP provides all training, outreach, and technical support for <br />agencies using the system. As of March 2009, 63% of county's shelter beds were <br />participating in CMIS (an increase of 222°/D since 2008). <br />• Point-in-Time Count and Survey - OCP participates in the biannual countywide census <br />and survey of homeless persons, supporting planning, execution and volunteer <br />management of the 2005, 2007, and 2009 counts and surveys. <br />• Targeted technical assistance -provided to over 40 agencies in 2008, assisting them <br />with grant identification, statistical research, proposal review, communications with HUD <br />and County funding entities, and creating linkages to other community partners for <br />collaboration. <br />• Forum facilitation - OCP facilitates monthly Homeless Provider Forums & quarterly <br />Continuum of Care meetings that routinely bring together over 100 people each month to <br />share best practices, network, and undertake regional strategic planning. <br />RFP HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & RAPID RE-HOUSING SERVICES 6/11/09 <br />3 <br />