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this request, OC Partnership intends to expand the current CMIS program to engage a greater <br />number of non-shelter service providers and meet the HPRP requirements. <br />CMIS allows agencies to streamline referrals and services, reduce duplicate intake <br />assessments, manage client outcomes, coordinate services with other providers, and prepare <br />financial and programmatic reports. CMIS tracks client information such as: demographics, <br />education, family type, city of last permanent residency, reason for leaving program, destination <br />upon exit, services utilized/received, and milestones achieved, among others. When clients are <br />entered into the system their records can be recalled and updated, so that each time an <br />individual or family seeks services from a participating provider it is tracked. This enables <br />providers to view clients' service history to inform decisions on what options are available for a <br />client, and what has or has not worked in the past. <br />OCP's evaluation plan for CMIS includes regular assessment of CMIS data gathering progress <br />and the system's effectiveness for users. We conduct routine audits of the data collected to <br />ensure adherence to data quality and completeness standards. CMIS data is accessible to <br />participating agencies in real time and to the general public in biannual CMIS progress reports. <br />The system will be expanded to allow for the exfraction of information needs for a <br />grantee%ity fo complete the quarterly progress report mandated by the HPRP and <br />facilitate the generation of the annual progress reports by sub grantees for submission <br />to the responsible city. As a recipient of federal funding, OC Partnership goes to considerable <br />lengths to conform to all federal evaluation and reporting requirements. In addition to <br />measuring participation rates, services provided and demographics of clients, we also regularly <br />evaluate the quality of data collection, by tracking and reporting the percentage of completeness <br />and accuracy of key fields in the database to make sure that agencies are entering required <br />fields to ensure that good data is collected. <br />RFP HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & RAPID RE-HOUSING SERVICES 6/11/09 <br />7 <br />