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Scope of Work <br />(Exhibit A) <br />Organization Name ,Mercy House.' <br />Place an X : Homelessness Prevention Rapid Rehousing <br />Output Accomplishments <br />Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services <br />Enter the estimated number of unduplicated Santa Ana households to receive at least one of the following <br />services eligible under Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services. Categories include; case management, <br />outreach, housing search and placement, legal services, and credit repair counseling. Households should be <br />counted only once for the 3-vear errant period. <br />Yr1 (9/30/09-6/20/10) <br />Yr2 (6/21/10-6/20/11) <br />Yr3 (6/21/11-6/20/12-)l <br />Total <br />38 <br />53 <br />53 <br />144 <br />Please utilize the space below, to provide a narrative of the activities to be undertaken. <br />Information should include number of clients, collaborations with other organizations, workshops, etc... <br />(Press the Alt key + Enter to proceed to the next line within the cell) <br />Case Management <br />Objectives <br />Activities Start Date <br />1.}Within 3 months of initial intake, <br />The Homeless Prevention Program will provide financial :. 1111/2009 <br />95% of households witi have <br />assistance as welt as on -going case management services <br />completed budget and set financial <br />to ensure that each client maintains iQusing;stabilization <br />goals <br />and self-sufficiency after assistance is expended. Program; <br />Z) Within 6 months of initial intake, <br />Cdordiriators will meet at a minimum with client house Olds <br />4q% of households will reduce <br />after i month, 3 rrlontli ; 6 months, 9'morâ–ºtl rs and `a the erid <br />household debt <br /> first year, During these case management sessions <br />.) Within 9,months of rnitial intake* <br />clients will work with pragrarn-managers; to creake a <br />80% of ho' usehoids Will be <br />household budget and discuss money management Issues. <br />connecfed to additional supportive <br />At theserl[ow-up meetings, staff ,will also be able to identify <br />services, through case management. additions[ needs of the clients arid' assist Them In obtaining; <br />4.)'Within 12 months of initial intakes additional or supportive services that will help them continue <br />950% of households will remain in <br />to live within their budget and Alow them to remain in <br />stabilized permanent housing. <br />stablized permanent housing. <br />uuxreacn and engagement (where and when) <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />