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The department's biggest issue, when its officers use this equipment, is that officer time is <br />commonly spent trying to fix the units. Then they must go to court and waste valuable time <br />going through the repair records because the accuracy is often challenged. Newer devices <br />have electronic downloads which produce easy to read summaries on unit activity and <br />functionality. <br />As mentioned, these newer units also allow the officers and detectives to map out crime or <br />accident scenes with pinpoint accuracy. These measurements are downloaded into a <br />program to produce maps and other documents used for court purposes. <br />Economic benefits to the community and City are decreased officer time in court, or in the <br />station trying to fix this old equipment. The officers can be in the field more often and <br />responding to citizen calls for service. <br />Another direct economic benefit to the purchase of the equipment is that the advanced <br />mapping capabilities allow for less time spent on litigation issues. Commonly, the City will <br />get sued when a major traffic accident occurs. The investigators of these collisions spend <br />many hours giving depositions, testifying in court and meeting with City attorney's going <br />over the chain of events. The Lidar units will cut down on this time because of the <br />advanced laser mapping capabilities. <br />Activities: (which can be started and completed expeditiously, and in a manner that <br />maximizes job creation and economic benefits) <br />1) Purchase three new laser Lidar units (approx. $6,000 each + tax) <br />2) Train the officers and assign a specific unit to the detective division and two to the traffic <br />unit. <br />3) Monitor the performance measures for one year in order to determine the economic <br />benefits. <br />Quantifiable Performance Measures: (Established by the agency to assess whether grant <br />objectives are being met) <br />The performance measures for this grant are: <br />1) Decrease in expenditures associated with the repair and maintenance of the antiquated <br />speed monitoring devices. <br />2) After all field officers have been trained and equipped with new Lidar devices; an <br />assessment of officer activity versus accident ratio will begin. <br />3) Litigation expenses will be tracked (as outlined in the goal area). <br />Timeline or prorect plan: (Identifying when the goals and objectives will be completed) <br />2009- F1801 -CA -SB Page 34 of 61 <br />