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ATTACHMENT A <br /> Santa Ana City: <br /> The City of Santa Ana proposes to use the 2009 Justice Assistance Grant funding as <br /> follows: <br /> Project Objectives: <br /> The City of Santa Ana is the county seat and the largest and most densely populated <br /> municipality in Orange County. Its residents are overwhelmingly Latino and its population <br /> is the youngest of any city of its size in the nation with a median average age of 26.1 years. <br /> Census data reports 14.1% of all families and 16.5% of all individuals are at or below the <br /> poverty level as compared to the national averages of 9.8% and 13.3%. The housing <br /> foreclosure rate is 6.52%, compared to the national average of 1.84% and the State of <br /> California's Average of 3.47%. Unemployment in January 2008 was 7.2%, and in January <br /> 2009 it is 12.0%. During the last decade the City made great strides in reducing crime and <br /> disorder in the community through collaborative community partnerships, technological <br /> advancements (including crime analysis) and carefully targeted enforcement efforts. <br /> However, the City has disproportionallysuffered the consequences of the current recession <br /> and has been forced to make draconian cuts to its current and future budgets, thus <br /> significantly reducing the number of sworn officers. There are fewer officers now than in <br /> 1985. and budget deficits will further reduce their ranks as early as this year. Due to the <br /> current recession and financial crisis the gains from the last decade are in jeopardy and the <br /> well being of the community is threatened. The Department employs 1.02 officers per <br /> 1,000 population which is dramatically below state and national averages. This ratio is <br /> based on 42 unfunded sworn officer positions, more than 10% of total strength. Crime, <br /> which had been on a steady long-term downward trend, is rising in many categories. The <br /> Santa Ana criminal street gang population of approximately 6,900 which accounts for less <br /> than two percent of the City's population, this criminal element constitutes a significant <br /> impact on fear in the community and threatens the safety and stability of our <br /> neighborhoods. It is our belief that Gangs in Santa Ana are responsible for a <br /> disproportionate amount of the crime being committed. Through the use of grant funding <br /> the City of Santa Ana will augment its Gang Enforcement Units with front line suppression <br /> units working overtime to target enforcement of gang members involved in violent <br /> behavior. The Department currently lacks the man power and fiscal resources to address <br /> this problem, these officers will be deployed directly into the neighborhoods being most <br /> affected by the current state of affairs and will be funded for the three year grant period. <br /> This funding will equate to 3,125 hours of additional law enforcement presence on our <br /> streets. <br /> Goals: <br /> The goal supplementing the Gang Enforcement Units efforts is to decrease gang related <br /> crime in the city of Santa Ana to create a safe environment for residents and visitors alike. <br /> <br /> 2009- DJ-BX-0033 Page 22 of 27 <br /> 20A-29 <br /> <br />