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the business. Further, with the conditions imposed the use and site <br /> should enhance the success of the area building on the successful <br /> cultural and business climate of the surrounding properties in the area. <br /> 4. Will the proposed use comply with the regulations and conditions specified in <br /> Chapter 41 for such use? <br /> As conditioned, the proposed project will be in compliance with all <br /> applicable regulations and conditions imposed on a bar selling alcoholic <br /> beverages pursuant to Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br /> 5. Will the proposed use adversely affect the General Plan or any specific plan of <br /> the City? <br /> The proposed modifications will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br /> Bars and ancillary uses such as alcoholic beverage control licenses are <br /> permitted within the Central Business-Artists Village (C3-A) zoning <br /> district and the District Center (DC) General Plan designation. The <br /> project will help to facilitate Goal 2.0 to "Promote land uses which <br /> enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability." The modifications <br /> supported will help to provide a service to complement other uses <br /> within the growing Artists Village. Further, Goal 4.0 of the Land Use <br /> Element, protect and enhance development sites and districts which <br /> are unique community assets that enhance the quality of life. An <br /> establishment that adds to the nightlife of the Artists Village promotes <br /> the unique makeup of the area with a mix of residences and <br /> commercial businesses. <br /> I. This project was reviewed in accordance with the Guidelines for the California <br /> Environmental Quality Act. The recommendation is exempt from further review <br /> pursuant to Section 15301. This Class 1 exemption applies to alterations to an existing <br /> operation or facility with negligible expansion. Categorical Exemption Environmental <br /> Review No. 2008-39 will be filed for this project. <br /> Section 2. The Planning Commission, after conducting the public hearing and being fully <br /> <br /> advised, hereby: <br /> A. grants Appeal No. 2009-06 as to the deletion of Condition No. 24 to Conditional Use <br /> Permit No. 2004-21 and Variance No. 2004-09, and denies the remainder of Appeal <br /> No. 2009-06 as moot. <br /> B. approves in part and denies in part the request to modify Conditional Use Permit No. <br /> 2004-21 as conditioned in Exhibit A hereto (which shows additions as underlined text <br /> and deletions as strikeout text), which is incorporated herein by this reference; and <br /> Resolution No. 2009-21 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 75B-24 <br /> <br />