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AMENDED LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 16"' day of February, 2010 by Mariposa <br /> Landscapes, Inc., a California corporation {hereinafter "Contractor"}, and the City of Santa Ana, a <br /> charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and Laws of the <br /> State of California {hereinafter "City"). <br /> RECITALS <br /> A. The City desires to retain a Contractor having special skill and knowledge in the field of high- <br /> level park landscape maintenance comparable with standard industry practice. <br /> B. Conhactor represents that Contractor is able and willing to provide such services to the City. <br /> C. In undertaking the perfozrnance of this Agreement, Contractor represents that it is <br /> knowledgeable in its field and that any services performed by Contractor under this <br /> Agreement will be performed incompliance with such standards as may reasonably be <br /> expected from a professional consulting fizrn in the field. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms <br /> and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br /> 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> Contractor shall perform landscape maintenance services for Santa Ana Parks, District 3, as set <br /> forth in City's Request for Proposa109-006, dated February 27, 2009, incorporated by reference to this <br /> Agreement, the Specification for Routine Maintenance, attached here#o as Exhibit A, and Contractor's <br /> Proposal dated Apri16, 2009, incorporated by reference to this Agreement. Said maintenance includes <br /> the basebalUsoftball diamond maintenance, which Contractor has subcontracted to Major League <br /> Softball. <br /> 2. CITY INSPECTION <br /> The Executive Director of the Santa Ana Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency, <br /> or his designee, shall regularly inspect the parks, playgrounds, fields and other City property subject to <br /> this Agreement. If said inspection results in discovery of work that is not performed in the agreed <br /> manner, and to the professional degree set forth in the Specifications, Contractor agrees that the City <br /> shall deduct from Contractor's next monthly payment, the City's actual or estimated costs of <br /> performing the work to bring the property into conformance with the Specifications. Additionally, <br /> City shall impose liquidated damages of up to $300.00 per inspection, per Park not meeting the <br /> Specifications during any such inspection. <br /> 3. COMPENSATION <br /> a. City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept as total payment for its services, the rates <br /> and charges identified in Exhibit B. The total sum to be expended under this Agreement shall not <br /> <br /> exceed $432,919.00, plus a five percent {5%} contingency for total amount not to exceed $454,565.00 <br /> <br /> annually, during the term of this Agreement. <br /> 25C-83 <br /> <br />