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(d) obtain an income verification certification from the Social Security <br /> <br /> Administration and/or the California Department of Social Services if the prospective <br /> Homebuyer receives assistance from such agencies. <br /> (e) obtain an alternate form of income verification reasonably <br /> acceptable to the City, if none of the above forms of verification is available to the Developer. <br /> 508. Affordability Documents at Time of Sale. At the closing of escrow for the <br /> Homebuyer's purchase of each NSP Assisted Unit, the City will require each income qualified <br /> Homebuyer of such Unit to execute the following documents: the Homebuyer Deed of Trust <br /> (attached hereto as Exhibit F), Homebuyer Promissory Note (attached hereto as Exhibit G), and <br /> such further documents reasonably required by the City in a form provided by the City. Any <br /> Units assisted with tax increment money will also have a Notice of Affordability recorded <br /> against such Property (attached hereto as Exhibit H). The Promissory Note, and Deed of Trust <br /> shall contain aforty-five (45) year term. The principal loan amount of the Promissory Note shall <br /> be the amount of NSP Funds to create this homeownership opportunity, which will be <br /> determined based on the affordable sales price, the fair market value or the maximum sales price <br /> permitted under the NSP Program at the time of sale. In those instances where properties have an <br /> appraised Fair Market Value that is greater than the sales price, a silent second will be placed on <br /> the Property for that difference. All principal and interest shall be deferred until subsequent sale <br /> or transfer of the Property. The Deed of Trust will carry a 3% forgivable interest rate, and will <br /> be due and payable in forty-five (45) years. Interest will be forgiven at a rate of 1/45`h per year, <br /> at each anniversary date of the original sale, with all interest forgiven at the end of the forty-five <br /> (45) year affordability period. The covenants and restrictions must be fully explained to each <br /> Homebuyer and the entire explanation and execution of said document must be recorded by the <br /> Developer. A copy of said audio and visual recording shall be placed on a CD which shall be <br /> kept by the Developer and the City. <br /> 708. Program Income. Developer acknowledges that the funds being provided by City <br /> for said program are received by City pursuant to the NSP Program criteria and guidelines as <br /> amended and that expenditures of these funds shall be in accordance with the NSP criteria and <br /> guidelines and all pertinent regulations issued by agencies of the federal government, including, but <br /> not limited to, all regulations found at Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations. <br /> When the City receives repayment such funds are Program Income. Program Income received by <br /> the City will be used for NSP Activities. Program Income and reallocated funds identified for the <br /> single family, condominium and historic components will be added to agreement with Developer. <br /> Developer agrees to comply fully with all federal, state and local laws and court orders applicable to <br /> its operation whether or not referred to in this Agreement. <br /> Final Amend NSP 1 ANR <br /> 25K-12 <br /> <br />