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enforcement evidencing such additional insured status (the City's preferred Additional <br /> Insured Endorsement is attached hereto as Exhibit I). The certificate and endorsement by <br /> the insurance carrier shall contain a statement of obligation on the part of the carrier to <br /> notify City of any material change, cancellation or termination of the coverage at least <br /> thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of any such material change, cancellation <br /> or termination. Coverage provided hereunder by the Developer shall be primary <br /> insurance and not be contributing with any insurance maintained by the City, and the <br /> policy shall contain such an endorsement. The insurance policy or the endorsement shall <br /> contain a waiver of subrogation for the benefit of the City. The required certificate shall <br /> be furnished by the Developer at the time this Agreement is executed. Certificates <br /> verifying such coverage has been extended to the City of Santa Ana must be furnished to <br /> the City of Santa Ana City Attorney's Office (M-29), 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, <br /> CA 92701 prior to the commencement of work hereunder. <br /> 907. Builders Risk Insurance. The Developer shall be responsible to cover the <br /> <br /> properties during the course of rehabilitation. It is recommended that such insurance provide <br /> coverage on an all risk basis, including theft and vandalism, for accidental losses, damage or <br /> destruction of the Property until each home is sold. <br /> 908. Right of Access. For purposes of assuring compliance with this Agreement, <br /> representatives of the City shall have the right of access to the properties, without charges or <br /> fees, at normal construction hours during the period of construction for the purposes of this <br /> Agreement, including but not limited to, the inspection of the work being performed in <br /> rehabilitating the improvements so long as City representatives comply with all safety rules. The <br /> City (or its representatives) shall, except in emergency situations, notify the Developer prior to <br /> exercising its right pursuant to this section. <br /> 909. Developer Indemnity. <br /> Developer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, employees and <br /> volunteers from and against any and all loss or damage, expenses, injuries, death to any person, <br /> damage to real or personal property, claim, demand, suit, action, judgment, settlement, <br /> reasonable attorney's fees, costs, or proceeding of any kind arising out of this Agreement, <br /> implementation of this Agreement, the sale of the property by Developer, securing of financing, <br /> design development drawings, engineering, construction, reconstruction, structural integrity of <br /> the NSP Assisted Units, maintenance of the properties, operation, and subsequent sale of the <br /> NSP Assisted Units, including but not limited to: <br /> (a) the presence, release, use, generation, discharge, storage or disposal of any hazardous <br /> materials, on, under, in or about, or the transportation of any such hazardous materials to <br /> or from, the NSP Assisted Units; <br /> (b) the violation, or alleged violation, of any statute, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, <br /> permit, judgment or license relating to the use, generation, release, discharge, storage, <br /> disposal or transportation of Hazardous Materials on, under, in or about, to or from, the <br /> NSP Assisted Units; <br /> (c) latent material defects in rehabilitation work; <br /> 17 <br /> 25K-33 <br /> <br />