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FUNDING APPROVAL AND GRANT AGREEMENT FOR <br /> NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 2 (NSP2) FUNDS <br /> AS AUTHORIZED AND APPROPRIATED UNDER THE <br /> <br /> AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 AND THE <br /> HOUSING AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY ACT OF 2008 <br /> {PUBLIC LAWS 111-5 and 110-289) <br /> NSP2 GRANTEE: City of Santa Ana <br /> NSP2 GRANT NUMBER: B-09-LN-CA-0047 <br /> N5P2 GRANT AMOUNT: X10,000,000 <br /> NSP2 APPROVAL DATE: January 14, 2010 <br /> NSP2 EXPENDITURE DEADLINE (2 YEARj: February 11, 2012 <br /> NSP2 EXPENDITURE DEADLINE {3 YEAR}: February 11, 2013 <br /> 1. This Grant Agreement between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br /> (HUD) and City of Santa Ana (Grantee} is made pursuant to the authority of title XII of <br /> Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5 <br /> (February 17, 2009)) (Recovery Act) and sections 2301 - 2304 of the Housing and <br /> Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289 (July 30, 2008}) (HERA). The <br /> program established pursuant to section 2301-2304 of HERA is known as the <br /> "Neighborhood Stabilization Program" or "NSP." The term "NSP2" refers to the second <br /> appropriation of NSP funds provided under the Recovery Act. The Notice of Fund <br /> Availability for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 under the American Recovery <br /> and Reinvestment, 2009 (Docket No. FR-5321-N-O1,1\,!lay 4, 2009) (1VOFA); the three <br /> Notices of Fund Availability for Fiscal Year 2009 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 <br /> under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Correction (Docket No. <br /> FR-5321-C-02, June 11, 2009; Docket No. FR-5321-C-03, November 9, 2009; and <br /> Docket No. FR-5321-C-04}; the Recovery Act; HERA; the Grantee's application for <br /> . NSP2 assistance (Grantee Application); the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 570 (as <br /> modified by the NOFA as now in effect and as maybe amended from time to time) <br /> (Regulations); and this Funding Approval, including any special conditions, constitute <br /> part of the Grant Agreement. In the event of a conflict between a provision of the <br /> Grantee's Application and any provision of this- Grant Agreement, the latter shall control. <br /> 25K-5 <br /> <br />