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<br /> City of Santa Ana B-09-LN-CA-0047 3 <br /> 5. The Grantee agrees that it will demolish or convert units using NSP2 funds only to the <br /> extent and scope described in the NSP2 application. The Grantee agrees that under no <br /> circumstances will NSP2 funds be used to demolish any public housing {as defined in <br /> section 3 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a)). <br /> 6. The Grantee agrees to comply with the Recovery Act provisions concerning tenant <br /> protections applicable to NSP2 acquisitions of foreclosed property. The Grantee must <br /> document its efforts to ensure that the initial successor in interest (ISII} in a foreclosed <br /> upon dwelling or residential real property {typically, the initial successor in interest in <br /> property acquired through foreclosure is the lender or trustee for holders of obligations <br /> secured by mortgage liens) has provided bona fide tenants with the notice and other <br /> protections outlined in the Recovery Act. The Grantee- will not use NSP2 funds to <br /> finance the acquisition of property from any initial successor in interest that failed to <br /> comply with applicable requirements unless the Grantee assumes the obligations of such <br /> initial successor in interest with respect to bona fide tenants. If the. Grantee elects to <br /> assume such obligations, it may only do so if the tenant is still occupying the property <br /> and will provide any tenant displaced as a result of the NSP2 funded acquisition with the <br /> assistance outlined in 24 CFR 570.606. If the Grantee knows that the ISII did nat comply <br /> with the NSP tenant protection requirements and vacated the property contrary to the <br /> NSP requirements, NSP2 funds cannot be used to acquire such properties. <br /> 7. The Grantee further acknowledges its responsibility for adherence to all applicable terms <br /> and conditions of this grant award by sub-recipient entities and contractors, including <br /> obtaining a DUNS number (ar updating the existing DUN5 record), and registering with . <br /> the Central Contractor Registration. The DUNS number shall be provided by the Grantee <br /> on the execution page of this agreement. <br /> 8. This Grant Agreement maybe amended only with the prior written approval of HUD. <br /> Changes that affect program design elements that HUD considered in rating NSP2 <br /> applications may result in HUD re-rating the application. In considering proposed <br /> amendments to this Grant Agreement, HUD shall also review, among other things, <br /> whether the amendment is otherwise consistent with the Recovery Act, HERA, the <br /> NOFA, as amended, and the Regulations. <br /> 9. The Grantee may not amend its Grantee Submission other than as described above; <br /> however, such amendments will be subject to the requirements of the NOFA and any <br /> revisions HUD may make to the NOFA (or any successor Notice or regulation). <br /> 10. The Grantee must respond in writing to any citizen complaint within 15 working days, if <br /> feasible, and send a copy of the response to HUD. The Grantee shall at all times maintain <br /> an up-to-date copy of its Grantee Application, including all amendments approved by <br /> HUD, on its Internet website. Further, the Grantee shall maintain information on all <br /> drawdowns, deposits, and expenditures of grant funds and program income under this <br /> Funding Approval and Grant Agreement and any other records required by 24 CFR <br /> 570.506 and the NOFA, as amended, in its files and shall make such information <br /> 25K-7 <br /> <br />