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Proposal for San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR <br />Prepared for: CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT B: SCOPE OF WORK <br />EXHIBIT B: SCOPE OF WORK <br />This section provides a proposed work program for completing an EIR and conducting CEQA <br />compliance processing services for the San Lorenzo Lift Station project. Note that the phases and <br />tasks detailed in this scope of work will not necessarily occur in the chronological order presented <br />below. Work on several tasks will likely occur simultaneously to expedite the schedule. <br />PHASE 1: PROJECT INITIATION, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS <br />Task 1.1- Research, Data Acquisition and Review <br />T &B Planning has a working knowledge of the project and its CEQA compliance history; therefore, <br />only a limited amount of initial research, data acquisition, and review will be required. Additionally, <br />because the timeline for an EIR's existing conditions assessment is based on the NOP release date <br />(anticipated as approximately February or March 2010), T &B Planning will conduct a brief field visit <br />to the proposed lift station site to document and photograph existing site conditions, surrounding <br />development, and other aspects of the site's physical and environmental setting. <br />PHASE 2: ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING <br />Task 2.1- Prepare Project Description <br />Prior to initiating any substantive work relative to the EIR, T &B Planning will prepare a formal project <br />description with text and exhibits, for review and approval by City staff. The project description will <br />fully describe the lift station's construction process, operational characteristics, and expected changes <br />to the physical environment. We require City staff to thoroughly review the description to ensure <br />that T &B Planning has described an appropriate level of understanding of the project and its scope, <br />from both construction and operational perspectives. The project description will be distributed to <br />the City for review in PDF or other acceptable electronic format. <br />Task 2.2 - Prepare Initial Study <br />Once City staff has reviewed and approved the project description, T &B Planning will prepare an <br />Initial Study based on the approved project description, our background knowledge of the project and <br />its previous CEQA document (MND), and any additional information gathered as part of our Phase 1 <br />data review efforts. The Initial Study document previously prepared by T &B Planning in support of <br />the San Lorenzo Lift Station MND will form the foundation of the Initial Study for the EIR. The <br />Initial Study will: <br />• include a detailed description of the various elements of the proposed project; <br />• identify the City of Santa Ana as the Lead Agency and provide contact information; <br />• indicate the location of the project site and generally describe the existing zoning and <br />General Plan designations of the site and surrounding area; <br />• provide a description of existing conditions and surrounding land uses (as of the expected <br />NOP release date (February or March 2010)); <br />• disclose any other public agencies that must also approve the proposed project, if any; <br />• identify the environmental factors potentially affected; <br />• include the completed Environmental Checklist; and <br />• include the determination of the Initial Study/Environmental Checklist (requirement for <br />an EIR). <br />Page B -1 <br />