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<br />17. CONSULTANT CERTIFICATIONS <br /> <br />a. Audit Records - With respect to all matters covered by this a reement all <br />records shall be made available for audit and inspection by t e City, the grant <br />agency and/or their duly authorized representatives for a peri d of three (3) <br />years from the termination of this Agreement. <br /> <br />For a period of three years after final delivery hereunder or ntil all claims <br />related to this Agreement are finally settled, whichever is lat r, Consultant <br />shall preserve and maintain all documents, papers and record relevant to the . <br />services provided in accordance with this Agreement, includ ng the <br />Attachments hereto. For the same time period, Consultant s all make said <br />documents, papers and records available to City and the age cy from which <br />City received grant funds or their duly authorized representa ive(s), for <br />examination, copying, or mechanical reproduction on or off e premises of <br />Consultant, upon request during usual working hours. <br /> <br />b. Consultant shall provide to City all records and information equested by City <br />for inclusion in quarterly reports and such other reports or re ords as City may <br />be required to provide to the agency from which City receive grant funds or <br />other persons or agencies. <br /> <br />c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Handica ed - All recipients <br />of federal funds must comply with Section 04 of the Rehabil'tation Act of <br />1973 (The Act). Therefore, the federal funds recipient pursu nt to the. <br />requirements of The Act hereby gives assurance that no othe ise qualified <br />person shall, solely by reason of handicap be excluded from the participation <br />in, be denied the benefits of or be subject to discrimination, i cluding <br />discrimination in employment, in any program or activity th receives <br />benefits from federal financial assistance. The Consultant a ees it will <br />ensure that requirements of The Act shall be included in the greements with <br />and be binding on all of its contractors, subcontractors, assig ees or <br />successors. <br /> <br />d. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - Consultan must comply <br />with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act f 1990 (ADA), <br />as applicable. <br /> <br />e. Political Activity - None of the funds, materials, property, or ervices provided <br />directly or indirectly under this agreement shall be used for an partisan <br />political activity, or to further the election or defeat of any ca idate for public <br />office, or otherwise in violation of the provisions of the "Hatc Act." <br />