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explicitly described in each section of the EIR, including any assumptions, models, or modeling <br />techniques used in the analysis. The determination of impacts will be based on thresholds of <br />significance developed in accordance with CEQA requirements, the City's environmental guidelines <br />and requirements, and other recently approved environmental documents. Each significant impact <br />will be numbered, and the corresponding mitigation measures will be correlated. The effectiveness <br />and feasibility of mitigation measures will be discussed, and the level of significance after mitigation <br />will be identified. <br />It should be noted that due to the extremely tight schedule for the project, PBS&J may submit the <br />revised Administrative Draft EIR in two parts; the first part containing those areas of analysis that <br />do not depend on the results of the traffic study, which will likely be the critical path item upon <br />which the schedule hinges. The second part would include those sections of the EIR that must <br />reflect the results of the traffic study (transportation/traffic, noise, air quality, global climate change). <br />The list of key environmental issue areas outlined below is based on the IS/NOP that was issued for <br />the proposed project and EIP's general knowledge about the project area. As previously mentioned, <br />a comprehensive Initial Study that focuses the analysis in the EIR was issued for public review in <br />August of 2006. Based on the results of the Initial Study, the EIR will focus on aesthetics, air quality, <br />cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use/planning, <br />noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation and circulation, and utilities <br />and service systems. <br />Subtask 2b Technical Analysis <br />Throughout this scope of work, the term "project site" will refer to the proposed Transit Zoning <br />Code (SD 84A and SD 84B). <br />Aesthetics and Shade/Shadow <br />The Aesthetic and Shade/Shadow section will be revised based on changes to the project <br />description. It is anticipated that the photographic inventory prepared previously will remain valid. <br />No major revisions are expected to occur in this section. <br />Air Quality <br />PBS&J will prepare a revised air quality section for the EIR that is consistent with the <br />recommendations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for an air <br />quality analysis in a CEQA document. Contribution of the proposed project to pollutant levels will <br />be analyzed based on SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook emission thresholds of significance <br />to determine whether the project would violate a State or federal air quality standard or contribute <br />substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. The EIR will qualitatively evaluate <br />potential exposure of sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations where the project <br />may cause emissions of identified pollutants in excess of the pounds per day or tons per quarter <br />standards established by the SCAQMD. Project consistency with additional indicators as outlined in <br />