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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551,R1553 <br />EXHIBIT Al <br />Santa ,era River Oha:in& <br />Pa,'re:l N'(1 1553 <br />Case. <br />That portion «, the southwest. (quarter of Section 2. Township 5 South. <br />pagee If-, West, in tilt= Rancho Las 801sa s, city of Santa Aria county of Orange. <br />State cf Californi,:. per map recorded in book 51. page 12 of Miscellaneous <br />":1a is. in the office of the County Recordier of said county. desc. inf;(f as follows. <br />Beginn;nq at a point on the centerline of Seventeenth Street d+stant South <br />-0st 485 Otl feet from the Southwest corner of said section 2, said <br />print berm the southeast corner of Tract 88G3 as :shown on a rnap recorded in <br />book 4,51. rages 42 Ifirough 46 of Miscellaneous Miaps, records of said county: <br />thence along the east line of said tract North 30`27 "09" East 347.37 feet; tJ) nce <br />ccntrn,vig cn Said east line North 30 "13'-09° East 150 W feet: thence Nor1h <br />35 43'31" East 284.50 teat anon, said east fine to the southeast corner of Tract <br />9631 as shown On a reap recorded in b-aok 411, pages 11 through 14 of <br />k fisceflaneous daps, rt_cords of said county; thence North 35 "43'31" east 56.51 <br />feel Avrig thr east One of said Tract 9631; thence departing said east line North <br />35 43-3. i cast 29.39 fuel; thence North 35 "45'56" East 488.29 feet to a pant <br />South 35` 4.5' -, +' MN st 150.00 feet from the most southerly corner of Lot 64 of <br />t rac' 3834 as 3hnwn on a map recorded in book 133, pages 13 through `5 of <br />PASCallancous Maps. records of said county; thence -South 54-'16'S4" ,East 61.8,j <br />feet to the westerly :rne of the Newbc rl Protection District, 40O.00 feet wide, as <br />shown on Record of Survey 93 -1050 filed in Record of Survey Book 152. pages <br />7 thu-)ugh 20, Fr-cords o` said county; theirce South 35 °43'06" West 1: 42.47 feet <br />al-0,19 said viez ;terly line to said centerfine of Sever leenth Street; thence North <br />81;'49'22° bNust 19.68 feet along said centerline -to the point of beginning. <br />FXCEPT therefrom the southerly 411.00 feel. <br />The ahn:r ric: [:nhed Irwarcel of lariat contains 71,629 square feel. more or lesr;. <br />'RE`- ABED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) 2 <br />