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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />IC7. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE <br />Best ('Management Practices (BMPs) <br />A BMP is a technique, measure or structural control that is <br />used for a given set of condi'dons to improve the qual"rhf of <br />the stormwater runoff in a cost effective manners. The <br />rninimum required BFAPs for this activity are oui ineel in the <br />box to the right_ Implementation of pollution <br />preventionlgcod houserea_ping measures may reduce or <br />eliminate the need to implement other more cosd-'v or <br />complicated procedures. Proper ernptoyee training, isrey <br />to the success of BMP implementation. <br />The BtFs outined in this fact sheet target the f 4omng <br />pollutants: <br />Targeted Constituents <br />Sedimen' <br />blutricnts <br />=lna3ablc hb:eriat_ <br />x <br />Yetals <br />&acer a <br />x <br />Oil , , Grease <br />Oroanics 3 Toxicants, <br />PesmlideG <br />:C <br />Oxv en Demandiml <br />x <br />MINIMUM BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES <br />Poliu-in n Prevent nips d H .uceke nino <br />• Properly store and dispose of gardening waste~. <br />• I-Ise rnulr;.h or other erosion control n-pa`:ures an <br />exposed -.oils.. <br />• Frop.erly rrarr,g irrigation and runoff. <br />• Ptcp erly stare and dispose of &,�emnoals. <br />• Properly manage pesticide. and herbicide use. <br />• Properly manage fertilizer use. <br />tenril stn -m drains <br />Train inc <br />• Train employees on the_-e 0Ms. storm water <br />dis�dharge prohibitions, ter di- _charge <br />requirements- <br />• Provide on -going emplbyeV training in pollution <br />prevention. <br />Provided below: are specific procedures associated tOh each of the minimu€r; BMPs along Kith procedures for <br />additional 5PAP3 that should t;e considered if this actiAty takes place at a fa:califi,r located near a sensitnre <br />watert~ody. In order to meet the requirements for medium and high priorifiy facilities, the ownersdoperators must <br />select. install and maintain appropriate 6NIPs on site. Since the se6e . ion of the appropriate BMPs is a site- <br />specific process, the 4,pes and numt-ers of additional BMPs will vary for each facility. <br />I. Take steps to reduce landscape maintenance requirements, <br />• Where feasicie, retain and/or plant native vc-getation with feature,; that are determined to be <br />beneficial. Native vegetation usually requires less maintenance than planting new vegetation. <br />• When planting or repfaribrig consider using Ioov :ester use t1owers, trees; shrubs, and groundcO%,ers. <br />• Consider afterna'We landscaping techniques such as rnaturescaping and xeriscaping. <br />2. Properly store and dispose of gardening wastes. <br />• Dispcse of grass clippings, leaves; sticks. or other collected vegetation as garbage at a Pem-,itted <br />landfill or by composting. <br />• Do not dispose of gardening wastes in streets, watemays, or storm m <br />drainage systes. <br />• Place temporarily stockuiled material away from witerrourses and storm drain inlets. and berm <br />and /o aver. <br />3. Use mulch or other erosion control measures on exposed soils. <br />r EPA ' Dart Sum mare of Urban Stormv; °ter Be-,-,' Wnaga fn ent ProctceS <br />IC'• Laud :cape 2,!mztena =:e <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />