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Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOl- R1551, R1553 <br />Incorporate the following integrated pest management techniques where appropriate: <br />• Mulching can be used to prevent weeds ,where turf is absent. <br />• Remove insects toy hand and place in soapy water or vegetable oil. Alternatively. remove insects <br />Wth wwater or vacuum them off the plants. <br />• Use species- specific traps e.g_ pheromcne -b�sed traps or colored stict:y girds)- <br />• Sprinkle the ground surface with abrasive diatomaceous earth to prevent infestations by soft - bodied <br />insects and slugs. Slugs also can be trapped in small cups filled with beer that are set in the ground <br />so the slugs can get in easily. <br />• In cases where microscopic parasites, such as bacteria and fungi, are causing damage to plants, <br />the affected plant material can be removed and disposed of (pruninra equipment should be <br />disinfected Main bleach to prevent spreading the disease organism}. <br />• Small mammals and birds can be excluded using, fences; netting, and tree trunF guards. <br />• Promote beneficial organisms. such as bats, birds, green lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantis, <br />ground beetles, parasitic nematodes, trichogramma wasps, seedhead weevils, and spider:, that <br />prey on detrimental pest species. <br />Training <br />1. Train employees on these 6MPs, storm water discharge prohibitions, and wastewater discharge <br />requirements. <br />2. Educate and train employees on the use of pesticides and pesticide application techniques. <br />Only employees properly trained to use pesticides can apply them. <br />3. Train and encourage employees to use integrated pest management techniques. <br />4. Train employees on proper spill coniainmentand cleanup. <br />• Establish training that provides employees with the proper tools and knowledge to immediately <br />begin cleaning up a spill. <br />• Ensure that employees are familiar with the site's spill control plan andlor proper spill cleanup <br />procedures. <br />• BMP V7 discusses Spill Prevention and Gontrot in detail. <br />5. Establish a regular training schedule, train all new employees, and conduct annual refresher <br />training. <br />G. Use a training log or similar method to document training. <br />Stencil storm drains <br />Stom, drain system signs act as highly visible source controls that are typically stenciled directly adja%r nt to <br />stoma drain inlets. Stencils should read ?do Dumping Drains to Ocean"_ <br />References <br />California Storm'a4'ater Best Management Practice Handbook- Inductrialand Gomrrrercial. 2003. <br />mov .rabmphandbooks.corn <br />California Storm'Alater Best Management Practice Handbooks. lndustrialiCornmerd3l Best Management <br />Practice Handbook. Prepared by Carnp Dresser& McKee, Larry Waiker Associates, Uri be and kssociates. <br />Resources Pfanning Associates for Stormwater Quality Task Force. NIS,ch 1993. <br />K,ng CountyStornw.ater Poli bon Control Manual. Best Management Practices for Businesses. King County <br />Surface Water Management July 1955. On -line: http,r dnr.merrokc- �srraatr d�sispuri htm <br />Stormv:ater Management Manual for Western VVashington. Volume IV Source Control BMPs- Prepared by <br />'Nashirgton State C *pariment of Ecctogy'Afat& Quality Program. Publication No. 5.9 -14. August 200 1. <br />1L'' L3nd -.c3pc Mamrena_.< <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />