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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />SD -10 Site Design & Landscape Planning <br />Ucsiytlirly New Insfuliutiuns <br />Begirt thc,&%elopnient of a plan for the landscape unlit 14ith attention to the following general <br />Principles: <br />• Formulate the [',fail on the basis of clearly articulated commullitl' goals. Carefulll' identify <br />conflicts and choices between retaining and protecting desired resources and coninlunih <br />groti uh- <br />■ -%-lap aril assess land suital)ility for urban uses. Ineiude the follrn:}ing landscape features it) <br />the assessment: v%ooded land, open unwooded land, steel) slopes, erosion -prone soils, <br />foundation suitability'. SOO Sctital)ility for waste disposal, aquifir-s, aquifer recharge areas, <br />wetlands, flocAplains, surface waters. agricultural lands, and carious categories of urban <br />land use. When appropriate, the assessment cart highlight Outstanding local or regional <br />resources that tile community determines, should be pr- <br />otected (e.2., a scenic area, <br />recreational area, threatened species habitat. farniland, Fish run). Mapping and assessment <br />should recognise not only these resources but also additional areas needed for their <br />Sustenance. <br />Project plan designs should consurwe natural areas to the extent possible, maximize natural <br />++rater storage and infiltration upporttlitities, and Protect slopes and channels. <br />Conserve Natural Areas darinq Landscape Planning <br />if applicable, Lite f011owing items are required and must be implemented in the site layout <br />during the -subdivision design and approval process, consistent with applicable General Plan and <br />LA-wal Area Plan policies: <br />■ Cluster development ore least- scncitivc: lxrtions of a site while leming the relnaiains land in <br />a natural undisturbed condition. <br />■ Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at a site to the rninimum amount needed to <br />build lots, alto- access, acid pro%idc. fire protection. <br />• A•taxirnize trees and other vegetation at each site b%, planting additional vegetations, clustering <br />tree areas, and promoting the usu of dative and/or drought tolerant plants_ <br />■ Promote natural vegetation by using parking lot islands and other landscaped areas. <br />• Yre -qurve rif)arian al'Cas and wetland5. <br />�12rirrltre,l`attcrat W'Oler Slorage and Infiltration, Opportunities 1i'ithin the Larulscape Knit <br />• Protlleite the conservation of forest cover. Building on land that is already deforested affects <br />basill 11vdrology to a lesser extent thall converting forested land. Los of forest corer reduces <br />interception sic: rage, detention in the organic: fcue�t ilaor layer. and (oaten losses fry <br />evapotranspiration. resulting in large peal- runoff increases and either their negatir•e effects <br />or Lite expense of Countering then) with structural solutions. <br />• Nlalntaln natural Storage reservoirs arid drainage corridors, includi:rlg depressions, areas of <br />permeable soils. swales, and intermittent streams. Develop and implement policies and <br />of CaVo nia Stor-mwatc- BW Handbook January 2002 <br />New Development and Redevelopment <br />'.V w W . cabmp ha ndbooks. corn <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />