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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />IC7. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE <br /> <br />Best Management Praotioe$ (8MPs} <br /> <br />A. B MP is a lechniqu€, measurE< or strllc~ural r::ontror that is <br />used for a gil,en set of condi'L}:ms to lmproveme qua1wI of <br />the stDrmwater rUnoff in a cost effedive mClnnerl. The <br />minimum required BMPs for this activity are auifioed in the <br />box to the right Implernentation of fXl/lution <br />preventi:m,'gcod housekeeping measur€s may reduce Or <br />eliminate the need to implement o!her more cosov or <br />cornpl icated proce dures. Proper elllp~oyee traini r.g is key <br />to the success of BMP implementation. <br /> <br />The BMPs ouifined in !his fact sheet target the folbA1i1og <br />pollutants: <br /> <br />Targe~d Cons.titu ef1ts <br />Sedi mem ;( <br />NLIlrie.nts )( <br />Cloa;ab1e Ma:e ria ls ~: <br />~letalG <br />8~~cten.a ;( <br />Oil & Grease <br />()rg3njc~ "& T Cklcants <br />Pes!icld-es ;( <br />Ow~en Demandir:,~ .: <br /> <br />MINIMUM BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES <br />Pollu;-ii,n Pre-ventior.11'Gl!t:~ H0t)sf:kee{lir~" <br /> <br />Prcper-l11 store and di:;p-.'jGe of '~a rd~n!flg < <br /> <br />UGe mulch or other e ro~ion cont-vI rneasureG en <br />exposed ooih. <br /> <br />Properly rrana~ irriga:ion and runoff. <br /> <br />Properly :store i:ll".d diGpce.;e ofchemlCals. <br /> <br />Pre:perll manag.s pestie:id", ar,d herbi6:le use. <br /> <br />Pro~.eriy manage fenilizer use. <br /> <br />'mdrnifl!;; <br /> <br />T rain in~ <br /> <br />Train employees on lheGe BMPG. ~:orm water <br />d ~;d1arge prohib ~ionG a.nd ....'a~(;;'^'a :er discha rge <br />req'_~rements. <br /> <br />Provide on-going empk)~'ee training in p')liucion <br />pr.e....e-nticn. <br /> <br />Pro',;ded belov,' are specif.c proc.&dures associated v,im each of the minimum BMPs along ,^1th procedures fC( <br />addiu0nal BMPs thClt should ce considered if this actf~~ty takes place at a facilft'lloC3ted near a sensiti','e <br />'Naterbody. In order to meet the requirernents for 'rr.edium and high priority facilities, frle owners/operators must <br />S€-Iect. install and maintain appropriate BMPs on site. Sinoo the se~ction of !he appropriate BMPs is a site-- <br />specific proc.ess. thet'lpes and numbers of Cldditional BMPs \~llf vary for each facility. <br /> <br />1. Take steps to reduce landscape maintenance requiremel1ts, <br />· Wnere feasic{e, retain and/or plant native vegetation with features that are determined to be <br />beneficial. Native ve-getatiJn usuafly requires less maintenance than planting nevI vegetati.::m. <br />· W'nen plClnting or rep!anting CO.1sider using/ow water use flowers. trees, shrubs, and gmundco'.'el'S. <br />· Consider afternCltj'J6 fandsc..' t6'Chniques SUGh as naturescaping and xHiscClping. <br />2. Properly store ~lnd dispose of gardening wastes. <br />· Dispose of grass dippings, leaves, siJd::s, or oth,er collected vegetation as garbClge at a pe.rmitted <br />landfill or 0,' oomposbr19. <br />· Do not disp.8se of gardening wastes in streets, waterways, or storm dra inage systems. <br />· Ptace temporanly stockpiled nlClterial aWB,' from w"aterWJrses and storm dr"in inlets. and berm <br />and"0r cover. <br />3. Use muloh or other erosion oontrol measures on exposed soils. <br /> <br />1 ::.P.t., . P(~I'im_inD,I.}/ DaLo S.Llln.r.'Or;l of Urb~n Stofm'~r'ater Beat 1\~:Jn[rg~ment Proc-rlc'es'" <br /> <br />IC7 b.nd;CJpe M.,lr.tena1:<(:< <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />