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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />8, Inoorporate the following integrated pest managernentteohniques wher~ appropriate: <br />· Mulching can be used to prevent WeBds I.~here turf is absent. <br />· Remove insects by hand and place in soapy water or vegetable oil. Alternatively, remove insects <br />'^~th water or vacuum them off the platlts. <br />· USee species-specific traps (e.g. pheromooe-based !raps or colored sticly cards). <br />· 'Sprinkle the ground surface with abrasive diatomaceous ear'Eh 10 prevent infestations b)I ~..oft-bodied <br />inS€Cts and slugs. Slugs also can he trapped in small cups filled \'ijfh beH thai are set in the ground <br />so the slugs can get in easily. <br />· 1n cases where microscopic parasites, such as bacteria and fungi, are causing damage to p!ants, <br />the affected plant materi al can be removed an d disposed of (pruni ng equipment should b€ <br />disinfected I,,~th bleach to prevent spreading the disease Ot!g3l'lism). <br />· Small mammals and birds can be excluded U'3irt9 fences, nemng, and tree trunk guards. <br />· Promote beneficial organisms, such as bats, birds, green facev.ings.ladybugs, praying mantis, <br />ground OOetles, parasitic nerna-todes. trichogramma wasps, seed head weevils, and spiders that <br />prey' 00 detrimental pest species. <br /> <br />Training <br /> <br />1. Train emplo)Iees on these BMPs, storm water disoharge prohibitions, and wast~water disoharge <br />requirements. <br />2. Eduoate and train employees on the useofpestioides and pestioide application <br />Only employees properly trained to use pestioidesoan apply them. <br />3. Train and enoourage employees to use integratedpest management techniques. <br />4, Train emplo~rees on proper spill oontainment and cleanup. <br />· Estabfish training that pro....ides employees VI'ith the proper to:;lls and knov.~edge to immediately <br />beg in clean ing up a spill. <br />· Ensure that employees are familiar '.vim the site's spill c.ontro/ plan and{or proper spill cleanup <br />procedures. <br />· BMP IC17 disCtlsses Spitl Prevention and Control in detail. <br />5. Establish a regular training sohedule,train alf new employee-s, arid conduot annual refresher <br />training. <br />6. Use a training log or similar method to dooument training. <br /> <br />Stencil storm drains <br /> <br />Storm dra in s~rstem signs act as h ighfy visible source controls lYIat are r.flJic.a1l y stenciled directly adjacent to <br />storm drain inlets. Stenals should rea-d "No Dumping Drains In Ocean". <br /> <br />Referen oes <br /> <br />California Storm 'yVa tel' Best Managemsnt Practice Handboo~" Industria~ and Commercial. 2003. <br />w.w. cabmpha ndhoor.s. com <br /> <br />California Storm V~ater Best Management Practice Handb:;lor..s. JndustrialJColllmercial Best Management <br />Practice Handtook. Prepared by Camp OresserS McKee. Larry VVaiker ,A,ssociate.s, Uribe and ,A,ssociate.s, <br />Re~~ource.s Planning ,ll,ssociates for Storlllwater Quali!>; Task Force. March 1991 <br /> <br />King Count]' Stcmywater Poll uti:;ln Control ManuaL Best Management Practices for Businesses. King County <br />Surface Water Management July 1995. On-line: http://dnr.metl'Okc.oov/w\r/dss/spcm.htrn <br /> <br />Stormwater Management Manual for Westem Washington. Volume IV Source Control mAPs. Prepared by <br />'Na..shir.gton State Departll1€l'1t of Ecology Water Quality Prc.gram Publication No. 99-14. ,c.,UgLlst 2001. <br /> <br />lC 7 bllibcape M.amtalal:c:~ <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />