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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />· h~,t.ill gutter~, th<'l.t ,..ill dived roof nU10tf ","my f1'0111livestock areas, <br /> <br />Recommended Activities <br /> <br />· h1 Ol'del' to l>1'oJ-'l€'l'ly di;:.pose of j-'>et w<'l.ste, Gu':ry ba~, POOPel'-scooper, 01' <br />""-1J-Uy.llo?Il.t to ;:,afdy pick up }"Ct wastes while ..\~alking with peb, <br /> <br />· Bathe pet;:. indooe and use less toxic d1aJl1pOOJ. \,\;hen po;:.sible, havE' peb <br />}'J:ofe"z'i011dlly groomed. <br /> <br />· Pmpel'ly inoculate yotu' pet in Ol'der to l1't.U.1ltain thei-1" health .lnd re<..1:uce the <br />po;:.sibility of pathoget~; in pet ""-,lstes, <br /> <br />· :\-faintau1. healthy and '\ig01'ottS p.lStures ......ith at lead tJ:\J:ee inches of leafy <br />l11atel'ial. <br /> <br />· COltJidel'U1doOl' ieedll1.g of livedock dtu'i.1lg hea"T rainfall, to J11i1ili,nize U1..llltu.-e <br /> <br />e xposC'd to potenti..1l1' <br /> <br />· Loc.1.te biu.'115, C01'1'als, .md other high ttSe <,u'eas on pOi-ti0115 of propert;..- th,lt eithel' <br />CU.',1ll1 .nvay frOlll 01' iU'e located diGhult f01'IlllleiU'by creeks Oi' stOi'Ill drai11S. <br /> <br />For additi ono3l info rmacon contact: <br />County of Orange, Watershed & Coastal Resources - StonW^'Clter pJ"(};ram <br />(714}567 -6363 or visi1 our .....ebsite at 'MI.w,oc-vatersheds,CCtIll <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07,01,09) <br />