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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />Site Design & Landscape Planning <br /> <br />5:0...10 <br /> <br />regulations to disco Ulllgf' the clearing, f1l1illg, and channelization of these feature.s. Utilize <br />Utem !1I drainage networks in preference to pipes, cllll-'elts, and engineered ditches. <br /> <br />· b'alua ting inliltmtion oppOitunities by referring to the stonnwater management Illanual for <br />the jurisdielion and pay particular attention to t.he selection eriterill for avoiding <br />groundwater cOlltamination, poor soils, and hydrogeological conditions that cause <br />f<id!ities tCl faiL If necessary, loc~He developments with large amoulll'i of impenious <br />sut1aees Clr a pot.ential to produce relatively contaminated runoff away from gnmndwatel' <br />recharge :J reas. <br /> <br />1-'l'OtcctiOIl a/Slopes and Channels dun'ng J.alld..,cape Design <br />· Convey runoff safely from the t.ops of slopes. <br /> <br />· AWJid disturbing slt'ep or unstable slope.'i. <br /> <br />· Avoid disturbing natural channels. <br /> <br />· S~tbilize disturbed slopes as quickly ~iS possible, <br /> <br />· Vq:;date slopes with native or drought toler;mt. vegetation. <br /> <br />· Control and treat l10ws in IJllds('aping and/or other controls prior to reaching e.x.isting <br />natural drainage systems. <br /> <br />· Stabi]ize temporal)' and permanent channel crossings as quickly as possible, and ensure that <br />increases ill run-ofh'e1ocity and frequency caused by the project do not erode the channel. <br /> <br />· Inst.all energy dissipaters, such as liprap, at. the outleL<; of new storm drains, cuh'erts, <br />conduits, or ell:JlIncl'i that enter unlined channels in accordance wit.h applic<Lble <br />spccifications t.o minimiz.e erosioll. Energy dissipaters shall be installed in such a way as to <br />minimize imp:Jcts t.u rccei\ing waters. <br /> <br />· Line on-site eOJweyance channels where appropriat.e, to reduce el'Osion caused by increased <br />Oow velocity due to increases in tributary impenious area. The first choice for linings <br />should he grass or some other vegetative surface, since these materials not only reduce <br />runoff velocities, but also pnwide water quality benefiL<; from filtration and infiln'ation. If <br />velocities in the channel are high enough to erode grass or other \tegetative linings, ripl'ap, <br />~oncrete, soil cement, 01' geo-grid stabilizat.ion are other alternatives. <br /> <br />· Consider otber design principles that are compara ble and equally effective. <br /> <br />U(!c/n,C!loj1i1lg L\:isllug [nslullulh,lIs <br />Various jurisdictional stormwater management. and mitigation plans (SUSMP, WQfl.H'. etc.) <br />detine ~l'edevdopment" in terms of amounts of additional impervious area, increases in gl'Os..~ <br />0001' area and/or exterior construction, and land dist.urbing activities with structural HI' <br />impervious SUt1aL'es. The definition of ~ redevelopment" must be consult.ed to determine <br />whetber 01' not U1C n~quirements for new development apply to areas intended for <br />redevelopment. If the deiinition applie.'l. the steps outlined under ~designing new installations" <br />abo\'l' should be followed. <br /> <br />JanualY 2003 <br /> <br />Califomia StOt'lTw.'at<<.. BMP Handbook <br />Ne\., Development and Redevelopment <br />V"".,. cabm pha <br /> <br />, of4 <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />