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S <br /> R~LI~TI~I~ 1~. H dog- ~ <br /> A ~E~LUTI~ ~F THE H~l1lIV <br /> AIJT~~RIT~ ~F THE _ <br /> 1T F AI~TA ~~PR~IN THE AEI <br /> F~~ FIAL YEAS 1 ~ <br /> B~ lT RELIED ~ TWE iEN1~E~~ ~F <br /> THE H[IV~CJT»~~ITY F TAE <br /> I F ANT~~N~, ~ F~~.L~U: <br /> ~e~tion ~ . Thy Houir~ Authorit ~f t • <br /> ~ y he ~ of ar~ta Ana ooncl~u~~rel}~ finds, <br /> determines and deolares ~ follo~rs: <br /> The Houin ~utho~i of the i . <br /> tY ty of Santa ~n ~t~~ ~?uthor~ty ~ ~ <br /> requlr~ b the l.J.. De artr~ent <br /> p of Hou~ng ar~d Urban <br /> Deveio~r~ent ~'!H~lD"} to ha~re an ~nr~u~1 In due t~ the fact that the <br /> Auth~rit administers ~ eoti~n ~ Recta! ~isistance Pry ram. <br /> 5 <br /> The purpose ~f the A~thori ' An <br /> Waal Sian ~ to ad~~e H LJD, <br /> program ~artiipant ar~d r~enber of the ublio of its mission and <br /> strate~~ to sere the needs of verb ia~in~ome families. It ro~ride <br /> inf~rrr~tion ~~out the ~urre~t opratior~s of the ~uthori in~ludin <br /> r ~ ~ <br /> prograr~, pa~tac~par~ts, enr~s for the up~orning gar, and <br /> <br /> . oper~t~onal ortenant ~onorns. <br /> The ~uthorit i re aired to rev; <br /> ~ ~ eve ifs eperat~ons and needs p~ <br /> annual h~sis vtirith input from a ~`enant dvNSO ornlttee <br /> . , r <br /> on~prised of eot~on ~ part~~ipants. The Tenant Ad~is~ <br /> Dor~m~ttee yet on ~anue ~ to review the annual Phan fir <br /> fisoai der ~~~-0~~, ar~d aii ~on~ments from <br /> said et~ng are <br /> in~orportd into the ~nnua~ Sian, ~ re aired b BUD re uation <br /> ~ Y ~ , <br /> HAD re ulations r wire f <br /> ~ ~ orgy-f~~e day ~omrnnt ~eri~~, n <br /> January ~ ~0~~, natifi~ation ~ published in the bran gun <br /> 9 ~ <br /> Regafer thaf the draft pfar~ vas aa~lable for uhli re~rie. Th <br /> . p e <br /> ~ubli o~nrnent period ended on h~ar~h t Further <br /> publ~~ <br /> hearing vas held ~ the omrnunity Redevelo ment end Hous~~ <br /> ~ ~ <br /> om~~on an larch , and ell cor~r~ent reoei~red at the <br /> hearing are included in the final do~u~nents to be subm' <br /> red t~ H ~ <br /> section . The fiscal ear ~ nnu r <br /> ~ a~ Plan the l~ou~n ~thoraty of <br /> the pity of Santa Ana is harsh a roved ar~d ~ ` <br /> y pp d~pted, laid annual Phan hii be <br /> s~~rnitted b the Authority to H U D. <br /> ectian This l~esol~tion shall tike effect i <br /> m~ed~atel}~ upon +ts adopt~~n by <br /> the A~.thority fiord, and the Rerdi~ Secrete for th <br /> g ry Author~t shall attest to and <br /> cer~i the vole adoptin this Resolution, <br /> g <br /> ~eso~~t~~n No. ~A ~~~9-~02 <br /> P~~e ~ ~f ~ <br /> <br />