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~~~ATI~~ AR~11~~T ~ETE~N. <br />TAI SANTA .~~ I~DI~IN AC~T~~~ITY A~I~ <br />,AIDS SERV7~S ~'~~]I~IDATI~ ~A~E ~NTY <br />This ooperat~ve Agreement entered into ~~s ~ ~~ day of July? ~~~, ~h~eh date 1s <br />enumerated for purpose ofreferer~ce only, ~~ by and bet~reen the pity of Santa Ana <br />~ous~n Authorit~r ~"dousing Authority"~, and the Aids Ser.ces ~oundat~on grange <br />Jaunty ~"~ontraetor"~. This Agreement sha~~ be adn~inistere~ ~~ the Santa Ana dousing <br />Authority. <br />R~ITA~,S: <br />~,. The pity o~ Santa Ana ~"pity"~ on behalf of ail ~u~.sdxetions in Drange <br />bounty, has been designated to receive grant funding pra~ided by the ~.. Depa~t~nent of <br />~ousir~g and Urban De~e~opn~ent ~"H-UI~'~~ p~r~ant to the ~Iosir~g ~portun~ties for <br />persons with A~~S ~"I~~PA"~ grogram, <br />qty has entered into ~. H~PA grant agreement with IJ~. <br />~. icy has entered into an agreement vrith the Santa Ana ~Iausing Authority <br />~"Project Sponsor"~. <br />-- .. ~. Project Sponsor ~~~ ~~'ovide ser~iee to uppQr~ the Tenant~~ased Dental <br />Assistance Program which cans~sts of f~nancia~ eligib~~~ty of tenants ~S ~ns~pections, <br />and f~naneial respon~b~~~ty for hosing assistance payments to landlords. <br />. ~~ro j eat sponsor has entered into ~.n ag~rcen~ent with antrctar for Contractor <br />to provide services to support the Tenant Bayed Rental Assistance Program by <br />maintaining the wait list and confining disability stags as defined in the A,dm.i~.i~trative <br />Plan, <br />F. The pales have cooperatively written and agree to an Ad.~ninistrative Plan <br />rhich identifies guidelines for the operation ofthe ~~~'.~ Tenant~Based. dental <br />Assistance Program. <br />I~~, T~~~EFOI, the parties ~nutualiy agree as follows: <br />I, A~T~~,ATI~N ~~ T~~S <br />A. The pasties anticipate that this Agreement maybe amended, or~ folioed by additional <br />agreements, to implement additional services and funding ofthe t~rpe covered by <br />this ~ 11~i~V~~t• <br />B. This Agreement fully e~.presse~ all understanding of Project Sponsor and <br />contractor with respect to the subj ect matter of this Agreement, and shall contite <br />the total Agreement between the parties far these purposes. ~o addition to, ar <br />