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SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT <br /> THIS SECOND AMENDMENT, is made and entered into this 7~' day of June 2010, by and between the <br /> <br /> City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the <br /> Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City") and NEC Unified Solutions, Inc., a Nevada <br /> corporation ("Vendor"), collectively referred to herein as "the Parties". <br /> RECITALS <br /> A. The Parties entered into Agreement A-2007-176 dated July 16, 2007, hereinafter referred to as <br /> "said Agreement", for providing telephone system maintenance and products. <br /> B. Said Agreement was amended June 1, 2009, to extend the term and provide that City may elect <br /> to change the number days per week for which Vendor will provide service. <br /> C. The Parties hereto now desire to again extend the Term and amend the Scope of Service and <br /> Compensation of said Agreement in order to provide continuous uninterrupted service under the <br /> Agreement. <br /> WHEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective covenants and promises <br /> hereinafter contained and made, and subject to all of the terms and conditions of said Agreement as <br /> hereby amended, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: <br /> 1. The City hereby exercises the option set forth in Section 2, "Term", to extend the term for an <br /> additional one year period, from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. <br /> 2. Section I of said Agreement, SCOPE OF SERVICES, shall be amended by amending Exhibit A, <br /> Section 5.2 - "On-Site Service Technician" (page 12 of 43), to read, in full, as follows: <br /> "5.2 On-Site Service Technician <br /> The Vendor will provide an NEC and CENTIGRAM certified Service Technician dedicated <br /> solely to the City of Santa Ana. This dedicated technician will: <br /> • Work on-site at the City of Santa Ana for eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours <br /> per week. However, City may, with fifteen (15) day prior written notice, change the <br /> number of days per week of on-site dedicated technician support, with a corresponding <br /> increase/reduction in the System Maintenance Related Charges, as set forth in <br /> Attachment A hereto. The City shall retain the right to specify the weekly business days <br /> on which the technician will be on-site. <br /> Further the City may with ten (10) day_prior email notification to NEC Area Services <br /> Mana eg r designate one or more days within a given work week for which on-site <br /> technician support will not be provided For each daX that on-site support is cancelled a <br /> credit will be issued to the System Maintenance Related Charges, as set forth in <br /> Attachment A. <br /> • Be on-call on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day-a-week, as-needed basis. <br /> • Perform repair services on any and all voice communications equipment as directed by <br /> the City Telecommunications Coordinator (CTC). <br /> • Be available, when not responding to particular requests for repair services, to provide <br /> as-needed MAC services as directed by the CTC. <br /> 25B-3 <br /> <br />