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Public Hearing -Fiscal Year 2010-11 City Budget <br /> June 7, 2010 <br /> Page 2 <br /> services provided to the public, the proposed budget integrates various revenue raising and <br /> expenditure reduction strategies which include restructuring certain fees to achieve full cost <br /> recovery, use of one-time revenue transfers into the General Fund, elimination of vacant funded <br /> positions, continuation of the hiring freeze, negotiating concessions from the various bargaining <br /> units, and continued evaluation of all business practices to reduce organizational redundancies <br /> and improve efficiency. Departmental budget reductions for 2010-2011 range from 8% to 12% for <br /> public Safety departments and 7% to 17% for non-safety departments resulting in a 9.5% <br /> reduction in the City's overall General Fund budget. <br /> With regard to workforce changes, a net total of 123 positions, most of which are currently vacant, <br /> will be deleted from the budget. The elimination of these positions is part of the City's budget <br /> reduction strategy. The proposed resolution amends prior resolutions by adding classification <br /> titles and 6-step and 15-step salary rate ranges, and the designation of several new classification <br /> titles, most of which also result from departmental reorganizations. <br /> FISCAL IMPACT <br /> With approval of the proposed budget, $474,282,113 will be appropriated to the City's various <br /> funds, departments, programs and enterprise activities. Of that amount $197,124,495 will be <br /> appropriated to the various general fund operating departments, including redevelopment agency <br /> pass-throughs of $2,238,910. <br /> APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br /> Francisco Gutierrez <br /> Executive Director <br /> <br /> Finance & Management Services Agency <br /> 75A-2 <br /> <br />