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THIRD RE~ISD Proposed ~usilress Pairlts fog' Coirrrtx~iuity Bcv~fits Agt;e~~irerrt ~o~' Agr~eemevts~ <br /> be#~~~eev SACe~~ City of Santa Ana, Cite of Sa~rta Ally Redevelopment Agevey, and Related <br /> Cv~xapa~ries Relaling to Pbase I of talion Dlsl~~ict a~r~l Dcvelopr~rent ~cc~n~tiivg in tlleTravsit ~ovivg <br /> Code Area <br /> May ~1, ~D10 <br /> <br /> the s~zbstalrtive poitlts below ~~ill agreed to througlr a legally bidding, fully etrforceable agreement for <br /> set of agreemerrts~ bet~~teen Santa Ana Collaborative far Respotrsible Development SACReD}, City of <br /> Santa, the City ofSa~rta Arra Redevelopnretrt Agency alyd Related Conrpanies ~tlre "Developer"~. <br /> I, Hor~sivg <br /> a. I~Irase I A#`fordable Housing. Developer, Agelrcy acrd City agree to ensure, by ~vay of 55 <br /> year Covenatrt, that iaa°Io ofPhase I rental rxt~its are affordable at SO°Io ANII and below with a <br /> nrit~inrum ~U~~o at 3D°I~ A~Irlr, witir priority given to those displaced as a result of <br /> redeveloplnerrt. Developer alyd City agree to ensure that two ownership units in each for~sale <br /> developmel~t block are affordable to hauselzolds at 0°I~ of AMI. City agrees to provide <br /> irrce~rtives for first time home buyers to facilitate the sale of affordable o~virerslrip units to <br /> ~ualifyilr lrousel~olds. <br /> b. TIC Area Affox~clable Ho«sivg Ivtllvidual Projects, Agency agrees that ifredevelop~rrent <br /> fiir~ds are used to financially assist a residential re~~tal project witlriir the T~C,1.~0~Io ofu~rits <br /> wittlin such prajecl `viii be offered at 80°I~ All or below with a trri~rimunr of~5°Io o~`the units <br /> at 30~1o ANiI, and affordability levels e~rsured through a restrictive covet~atrt for 5 years. <br /> Age~rcy agrees that in airy situation where it leas the legal autlrarity to do so for e~ainple, <br /> wlre~r enterllrg Into a developr~rent agreclnenl whir ~ building o~vner~, it will e~rsure, through <br /> restrictive cove~ralrts of5 years, teat al least 3~°I~ ofo~~?Irerslrip u~rits are affordable to <br /> households at 8~°I~ AEI acrd below. <br /> c, TIC Arca Area-~~'ide Affordable Ho~~siv Baal. City agrees that, for the Area as a <br /> whole, it will gave as a goal that ~l~ at least 0°Io ofrelrtal units will be affordable to <br /> households at 8~°I~ All and below, ~ a°I~ of ~vl'iich will be for lrouselro~ds ~t 0°Io of AMI, <br /> and ~2~ 30~I~ of owrrership units will be affordable to households at 8a~1o ANTI. City agrees to <br /> nark with SACReD ire the developtrrelrt of City policy, Including tnce~rt~vcs acrd <br /> re[~ulr~rir~I~t~~ thal ~uppp~~ these goals, <br /> d, Pbase I Af~ardable Cllild Cax4e, City acid Developer agree eirsure that at least 3,004 sq~ of <br /> corr~Inr~t~ity space within f,ot l ofPlrase I will be Irrade available at I]D charge during daytirrre <br /> hours to a clrlldcare operator Identified In conjralrctlon ~vltlr SACReD, The operator will be <br /> responsible for f€~tiding operations ti~vitl~i~r the facility, r~Y the eve~lt that, despi#e their best <br /> efforts, City afid Developer are ulrable to find a childcare provider, this re~rfirelrre~rt is <br /> waived, <br /> II, CultutRal arrd Historic Pr4esex~vation <br /> a, Plisse ~ Cu~7trYrunity Ce~Iter~ City agrees to use best effoi•#s to Ir~ake available, through a <br /> joi~rt use agreenretr# or otherwise, a rrrultiiuse conrnrurrity resource center of at least 10,000 I <br /> sq, fl. in sire servici~rg comrlrulrtty Ireeds for the whole family at Iro cost or low cost, City <br /> agrees to work with SACReD on planlring for the design, progralnnri~rg alyd location of the <br /> center, Oily agrees to use best efforts to Iregotiate aIr agreenrerrt with SACReD acrd SAUSD if <br /> a joitrt use ar~ra~~geluelrt with AUSD exists that erasures that the center will be regularly <br /> accessible to the colulrrutrily, and specifically that at least ogle floor of the colrnnulrity centel• <br /> will be available daring school hours and that the elrtire commu~rity center alyd school <br /> i <br /> <br />