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Transit Zoning CodelProposed Development <br /> May 27, 2010 <br /> Page 3 <br /> In order to better analyze subsequent projects required to implement SARSP, as well as to <br /> respond to community concerns regarding the ambitious scope of the plan itself, the SARSP, as a <br /> comprehensive document, was tabled and is not under consideration for adoption by the City at <br /> this time. The zoning code component of the SARSP, which contains the regulations and <br /> standards for the development of the subject area, was separated out and has been further refined <br /> as the Transit Zoning Code. <br /> The Transit Zoning Code ~TZC} is designed to provide the zoning necessary to s~~ipport the long- <br /> term development of a successful transit program, as well as to provide the framework for the <br /> redevelopment of the Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency Agency} properties. The TZC will <br /> provide new zoning for properties contained within its boundary while, at the same time, preserving <br /> the existing Light Industrial ~M1 }and Heavy Industrial ~M2} zones through new Industrial Gverlay <br /> Zones. Properties within the Industrial overlay Zones will continue to be governed by the current <br /> provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code for Light Industrial ~M1 }and Heavy Industrial ~M2}until <br /> such time as the property owner chooses to exercise the option to convert the property to the <br /> mixed-use zone also allowed by the new zoning code. <br /> The project objectives for the Transit Zoning Code are as follows: <br /> • Provide atransit-supportive, pedestrian-oriented development framework to support the <br /> addition of new transit infrastructure. <br /> • Preserve and reinforce the existing character and pedestrian nature of the City by <br /> strengthening i~irban form through improved development and design standards. <br /> • Encourage alternative modes of transportation, including the rail system that connects San <br /> Diego to Los Angeles. <br /> • Provide zoning for the integration of new infill development into existing neighborhoods. <br /> • Provide for a range of housing options, including affordable housing. <br /> • Allow for the reuse of existing structures. <br /> • Allow development of Agency properties described further under Developer Project <br /> Gbjectives}. <br /> <br /> witl~iin the boundary of the Transit Zoning Code, the Agency owns 49 parcels comprising <br /> approximately seven noncontiguous acres. The Agency has entered into a Predevelopn~ent <br /> <br /> Agreement with The Related Companies of California, LLC and Griffin Realty Corporation, a <br /> California Corporation jointly, the Developer} to redevelop the Agency-owned properties generally <br /> located in the vicinity of Santa Ana Boulevard. The proposed concept for the 49 Agency-owned <br /> <br />