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F~L~~~rx ~~.ti'il~~r~~~l~r T~ ~GUE~~~:l~..~T <br /> "1`lii5 11:~1.RTI-[ r'~~~1"~1~:'1t1;1~"i" "1't~ ~1~itE~i~1E~`T is ~:ntered rota an June; 30, <br /> <br /> 2{)1{), ~ a~~d bet~~~e:an C:iIS Bata Resaurces, a C;alifaz~~ia carpc~ratic~n (4.GI31~.") and the <br /> +City cif Santa:~na, a charter cif}' and municipal. carpc~r~~tic~n aftl~e Mate af=Calitarnia <br /> "C: ity''~. <br /> l~lw:Cl"[`:~L~: <br /> 'I"he parties entered rota :~~reerrtent ==~~-21}07-~, dated Januar~:~ 26, 2007, <br /> (hereinafter `'said .'~~reearzt"~ by ~~~hic UDR. has pra~•id,d r~ai~~tenancc: and support <br /> t~fth~; till data tracking; saltware catai~~in~ the public s~l;t~ geafile. `T`here hay-e <br /> been three sttbse:ciuent ~mendmer~ts to said ~~reement e~:ta~~din~ the tann thcrcaf= <br /> and tl~e campasatian paid and addin{~ additional sarx-iccs to be pra~•ided by GI~R. <br /> 13. isa accordance ~~-ith thy; terms anti caditias of said .1~recment, the parties wish try <br /> ~:etend the term af'said a~re;e~na~~t at an agreed upon eapansatian to provide <br /> maintenance and ~uppart during the extended tern. <br /> 1~ lll:Rll~1JRl. in consideration vf=te cap-rsnants contained in said !'~~.reen~ent =:1-:201}7- <br /> 0~~ as previously amended, anti subject to all the terms anti canditians ofsaid r~{~reeme.nt <br /> as amended, except thaw amended in this l~ocu•th amendment to ~~c•e:ament, the parties <br /> agree. as ft~ila~~s: <br /> l . ~ectic~n 1, "17elintions", seibsectioi~t (a}, '`Statement of ~~'ark'` ar "SC3~~%„ shall tie <br /> amended to add the: fallau~in~: <br /> ".l~ar the term af` this contract axtansian= i.a., Jule l , 2010 thrauh June 3t)=Z01 = <br /> the: ~iC)t~' shall consist afthose scr~,~icas as set earth iii tl~e `:l'roposalll~°'ark Order' <br /> ~c~. 2l l2Q dated 3:'18>%i{) as attached herein as 1~xhbit `l~' and it~carporated <br /> herein by reference, as ~~-ell as any other an~oin~ services under the ari~,~.inal <br /> .~~reeme"nt -=~~-21}f)7-CJ=i as wall as any ~~mendznents thereto.=, <br /> Sectial~ ? (a) shall ba amended to state that the compensation far maintenance and. <br /> support oFthe Ulf ds~ta tracking saft~are as set forth in the SU1~r shall net exceed <br /> S52S00= as sat earth in exhibit "1°'= hereto. if the City Council fails to aliacate funds <br /> ft~r the sc~ftuare ~naintenanca and support in the annual. Santa Ana Dire I~~partant <br /> bud~at, said ~.lree~n~;nt shall terminate a the canclusian ol'te farm and shall z~at <br /> autanlaticaliv ranee- for anathar c>n~-year term. <br /> Section 3, ~l i;;R.'~1. shall bL ame:nde:d to extend the term of the t°~~reament tc~ be Jul~• 1, <br /> I f) tc~ une :~1~. 201 i ,subject to the C`ouncil's appra~~al of funding far the I 0-201 i <br /> fiscal year. as set. forth in Section 2{a), above. <br /> 25E-3 <br /> <br />