Chapter 3 Findings Regarding ProJeot Alternatives
<br />.....
<br />..;:(.and 1lSO.fiyPg _.,
<br />-%9flerriSapiye,3,`, ~-~,,
<br />'•hanalt Zvning Coda'(SO 84)', :I
<br />.::•D1KBtenea '.:;. ~;!
<br />Residential (units) 2,028 4,075 (2,049}
<br />Relaii (sn 351,000 387,000 (38,000)
<br />Industdal (sQ (990,000) (990,000) O
<br />Commarclal (sq (124,000) (124,000) 0
<br />Civic (sf) (21,000) (21,000) O
<br />Green (sf) 680,000 680,000 0
<br />Parking (1,534,000] (1,772,000) (238,000)
<br />SOURCE: PBS&J 201 O
<br />Ffndfngs
<br />The Agency hereby Hnds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, of other considerations
<br />snake the adoption oFAlternative 3 infeasible.
<br />Although Alternative 3 would reduce a significant and unavoidable impact of the proposed project to
<br />aesthetics (shading and shadows) to a less than significant level, it would restrict development within the
<br />City to low- to tnid-rise development, which would not meet project objectives to the same extent as the
<br />proposed project.
<br />SpeciEtcall}•, this restriction would require a reduction in housing (including affordable housing] from
<br />4,075 units to 2,026 LIt1ItS, «•ltich would not meet Santa Ana's Regional Housing Needs Assessment For
<br />2006-2014, which call For 3,393 units, 1,248 oFwhich must be affordable for lo~~>, ~>ery low, and extremely
<br />low income households. The City of Santa Ana has a great need for affordable housing -sixty percent of
<br />the households in Santa Ana have low, very lo~c>, and extremely low incomes. (City> of Santa Aua General
<br />Plan Draft I-Iousing Element, Appendix A, p. A-10.) Goal 2 of the Housing Element is to "provide a
<br />diversity of quality housing, affordabilit}• lei>els, and lip>ing experiences that accommodate Santa Ana's
<br />residents and ~~>orkEorce of all household q•pes, income levels, and age groups to Eoster an inclusi~>e
<br />commutrity." tlltetnative 3 u>ould not meet this goal to the same extent as the proposed project.
<br />Sin-tilarly, it would not meet Housing Element policy 2.2, set forth below, to the same extent as the
<br />proposed project:
<br />HE-2.2 District Canters. Create high intensit}>, mixed-use urban ~>illages and 24-hour
<br />pedestrian-oriented experiences that support the raid-to high-rise office centers,
<br />commercial aerie>it}>, and cultural activities in the varied District Centers.
<br />Alternative 3 would also fail to unplemcnt the follo~~ng Housing Element policies to the same extent as
<br />the proposed project
<br />IIE-2.1 Downto~i>n. Strengthen Santa Ana's core as a vibrant mixed-use and Infixed-income
<br />environment bj• capitalizing on the government center, arts district, and historic
<br />downtown and Facilitating transit-oriented development and diverse
<br />neighborhoods. Resolution No. 2010-024
<br />Page 73 of 130
<br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of FactJStatement of Overriding Conslderetlons 3_'7
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