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Chapter 3 F/ndings Regaddfng ProJeot Alternatives <br />Further, under Alternative 4, the proposed park identified in the Developer Project would no longer be <br />included as a project component. The park was one element of see-era) in the o~-erall vision For <br />de~•elopment of the Agency-owned properties. The selection of Alternati~=e 4 effective)}• eluninaies the <br />ability to construct a park on the block on which it is currently envisioned given that the three structures <br />currently located on the Agency-owned properties within that block would remain under Alternati~-e 4, <br />and the Cit}=/Agency under this scenario would be precluded From acquiring ati}* additional properties. <br />Further, Alternatie*e 4 ~c•ould not meet the objective of the Developer Proposal to rede~-elop all of the <br />Agency-owned properties, nnd, as explained abo~-e, it would not meet the objective of pro~•iding new <br />affordable housing for fatnilics in Furtherance of the City's affordable housing goals to the same extent as <br />the proposed project. Also, it is unlikely that the City/Agency would be able to attract a quality deg-eloper <br />to undertake a small scale scattered site development such as that which would be constructed under <br />Alternati~-e 4. 'Phis «-ill seriously constrain the potential For providing economical)}- ~•iable <br />redec•elopment. <br />In light of these considerations, the Agenc}' rejects this alternative as infeasible. <br />Alternative 5: No Demolition of Agency Properties/Relocate to Agency- <br />Owned Infill Sites/Rehabilitate in Place <br />Descrlpt7on <br />'I'bis alternative would eliminate the demolition on the Fourteen parcels with the Station District <br />currently owned by the City of Santa Ana Rede~=elopment Agency- that were slated for demolition under <br />the proposed Developer Project (see Figure 5-1 [Demolitions]). Instead, those properties would be <br />rehabilitated in place or moz-ed to vacant lots and rehabilitated, with the e~:ception of the propert}- <br />located at 611 N. Minter Street, which ~~-ould be demolished. Of the properties identified for demolition <br />on parcels currently owned by the Agency, and those that may potentially be acquired in the future, only <br />one is currently listed on the Santa Aua Register of I-Iistorical Properties-the \\~hitson-Pou•elson House <br />located at 501 E. Fifth Street. The remaining houses have primaril}• been the subject of "windshield" <br />sutl=eys to detemiue their potential eligibility for listing as a historic resource. (See EIR, Section 4.4 and <br />Appendix D.) Following a comprehensive historic survey of the properties, the Cit}•'s Historic Resources <br />Cotntnission would evaluate all of the structtttes to determine their eligibility Eor listing on the City's <br />Register of Historical Properties and would make recommendations regarding the selection of houses to <br />be moved and onto which sites they should be moved. Once moved and/or rehabilitated the houses <br />would then be offered as for-sale affordable housing. The proposed 'Transit Zoning Code would remain <br />the same under t1llS l~1CCLilant-e. <br />In total, this Alternative would provide approximate)}• 145 units (approximately 124 rental units and <br />approximately 21 For sale utits) on the Agency-owned parcels within the Station District. OF these, <br />approximately 121 units would be rented to low, ~-et-}--low and extremely-low income households. (See <br />EIR appendix J [Alternatives Testing: Financial Analysis], Table 1, A)terna[i~*es Analysis.) This is the <br />same number of units that would he rented to lo«-, vet}-low and extremely-low income households in <br />the proposed Developer Project. (Id.) Alternative 5 would also offer For sale 1G low income units, one <br />moderate income utit and four market rate units. Resolution No. 2010-024 <br />Page 77 of 130 <br />Transit Zoning Code {SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Staternent of Overriding Considerations 3-11 <br />