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Chapter 3 Flndings Regarding Protect Afternatfves <br />Rehabilitation of Potential New Acquisitions Alternative <br />In this alternative, the Redevelopment Agency would acquire properties within the Deg*eloper Project in <br />order to complete blocks where the Agency already has an ownership interest, as it would under the <br />proposed Developer Project. Ho«•e~*er, instead of demolisl-ung these structures, the Redevelopment <br />Agency would rehabilitate them in place. <br />Ffndings <br />"The Agency hereby finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological or other considerations make <br />the adoption of this altcrnati~~e infeasible. This alternative would prevent redo-elopnient of Agenc)•- <br />owned properties, a keg project objective of the Deg*eloper Project. It would also substantially lunit the <br />opportunity to provide ne~c• affordable housing for fanatics in furtherance of the Cit)•'s affordable <br />housing goals established in the 1-lousing E)ement, the Implementation Plan For the Santa Ana D•ferged <br />Rede~*elopment Project Area, and the City of Santa Ana Consolidated Plan. Further it would not enhance <br />the streetscape and urban form of the area, particularl)• along Santa Ana Boule~•ard, with the construction <br />of new bulldings that meet the standards contained in the Transit Zoning Code and that support future <br />transit planning. I~lor would it secure provision of public open space or facilitation of a joint use <br />arrangement with St1LJSD for a ne~v commur:ity center. Finally, it would not provide an economically <br />viable redeem*elopment scenario for the Agency-owned properties. Additionally, it would result in the <br />elimination of an opportanit} to provide new quality housing. As a result, if demolition of the properties <br />that may be acquired by the Agency were precluded, the Redevelopment Agency would not pursue their <br />acquisition, and the benefits of the Developer Project, including the creation of new public open space, <br />the elimination of blight, and an enhancement of the streetscape, would not be realized. <br />3.4.4 Additional Findings <br />Findings Related to Clarifications and Updates to the Draft EIR <br />Chapter 3 of the Final EIR includes the corntnents received on the Draft EIR and responses to those <br />comments. The focus of the responses to comments is on the disposition of significant environmental <br />issues as raised in the connnents, as speciFed by GEQl-1 Guidelines § 15088(b). ldditionally, as a result <br />of refinements to the proposed Dew-eloper Project since publication of the Draft EIR, the allocation of <br />rental of units and For sale ututs that would be constructed under the proposed De~•eloper Project and <br />under Alternatives 4, 5 and 6 has been slightly modified. The Februarq 23, 2010 Financial analysis <br />preliaxed by Keyser AQarston Associates that was included as Appendix J to the ETR has been updated to <br />reflect these modifications. 'the updated financial analysis, dated lblag 22, 2010, is included as Appendix.T <br />to tl~e FFinal EIR. <br />Ffndings <br />Responses to conzrrrents made on the Draft EIR and revisions to the Final EIR rnerelj• clariFj• and <br />amplif}• the analy sis presented in the EIR and do not trigger the need to recirculate per CEQA Guide- <br />lines §15088.5(b). Similarig, the refined reallocation of rental and for sale residential units that would be <br />pro~•ided by the Developer Project and the updates to the Keyser Marston A4~08It1ttt~fitRAtiric~Q9is <br />Page 81 of 1 O <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Flndings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations 3-15 <br />