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Chapter 3 F/ndings Regarding ProJeot AlternatNes <br />Rationale. The project would not ham-e an3~ signiftcant impacts on safety' at railroad crossings. <br />Therefore, mitigation measures that wottld require grade separations on project area roadways to <br />reduce potential auto/train conflicts are not required. Orange County Transportation Authority <br />(OCI'A) is providing crossing safety` enhancements at 10 railroad projects in the City of Santa Ana. <br />These planned upgrades will include flashing lights, pedestrian signals/gates, quad gates and raised <br />medians. Implementation of the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) project will enhance safety For <br />motorists and pedestrians. Current technology will also be used to upgrade traffic and signal <br />controllers wish implementation of the proposed project. In addition to these project components, <br />the Transit Zoning Code will be amended to include policy language in the Street and I~letavork <br />Concepts section that states: "An}' Future or planned development adjacent or near the railroad <br />right-of--way be planned «-ith the safety of the rail corridor in mind. This includes considering <br />pedestrian circulation/destinations with respect to railroad right-of-wa}'." <br />~ Proposed Mitigation Measure. Identify improvements and/or funding mechanisms to mitigate <br />the project's traffic impacts. (See Final EIR Chapter 3 (Responses to Comments), Letter from Cit}= <br />of "Tustin (1'US), comment TUS-5.) <br />Finding. The Agency finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations make this ntigation measure infeasible. <br />Rationale. The DEIR identifies mitigation measures needed as a result of expected project- <br />generated traffic in Section 4.11.3. Specific unprovements are identified in mitigation measures <br />I~-Il\44.11-1 through bil~•I4.11-1G. Further, ntigation measure MlYI4.11-4 requires the City of Santa <br />Ana to "institute a program for systematic mitigation of impacts as development proceeds within <br />the Transit Zoning Code to ensure mitigation of the individual improaements." The program is <br />required to include, among other things, "a funding and itnprot=ement program to identify <br />financial resources adequate to construct all identified mitigation measures in :r timely basis." <br />(Draft EIR Section 4.11.3, 1\•il\•I4.11-4.) The mitigation measures suggested b}• the City of Tustia <br />are already= included in the project and will not provide meaningful additional mitigation be}'ond <br />the measures that are adopted. <br />Findings on Mitigation Measures Proposed to Reduce Impacts to Public Services <br />~ Proposed Mitigation Measure. Requite the aliplication of parkland in-lieu fees in conjunction <br />with development of the project. (See Final EIR Chapter 3 (Responses to Comments), Letter from <br />City= of Tustin ("I'L1S), comment TUS-2.) <br />Pinding. T'he Agency finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations make this mitigation measure infeasible. <br />Rationale. Development under the Transit Zoning Code project and Dea=eloper Project is <br />requited to comply with mitigation treasure D•IAi4.l0-5, wl-tich requires payment into the Park <br />Acquisition and Deg*elopment Fund pursuant to Santa Atza ~~lunicipal Code Chapter 35, Article IV. <br />Over and above the requitement for ne~v development to pay into the Park Acquisition and <br />Lllea=eloptzient Lund, the 1Zedea~elopment Agent}= is pursuing the acquisition and construction of a <br />range of potential open space amenities v=ithin the Transit Zoning Code area, which could include <br />a public park, new community center and a tot lot. Finally, the standards for private open space <br />contained within the Transit Zor>_ing Code ate designed to ensure that new deg=eloptnent provide <br />open space and outdoor amenities on-site as pact of the project design. Consequently=, the impact <br />of the project on pack facilities is less than significant and no further mitigation is needed. <br />Resolution No. 20'10-024 <br />Page 86 of '130 <br />3-20 Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />