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Chapter 4 Statement ofOverrlding Conslderatlons <br />30 dwelling units per acre in order to meet the densit}• criteria that HCD has established as being <br />supporti~=e of affordable housing production. The City's Housing Element identified the <br />Renaissance Specific Plan area, which shares the same geographic boundar}= as the Transit Zotng <br />Code area, as one that has the potential to provide a new source of residential in-fill development <br />and, as such, was used to partially satisfy the City's RHNA xequuement. During the planning <br />period covered by the Housing Element (2006-2014) it is estimated that the City could anticipate <br />up to 238 units of new residential development. Throughout the life of the Transit Zoning Code (a <br />planning horizon of 20 to 30 years) it is estimated that there could be as many as 4,075 new <br />residential units, a portion of which could be expected to meet affordability requirements. The <br />Proposed Project implements the Housing Element and provides the zoning necessary to stimulate <br />nevc=affordable housing production. <br />j. The Developer Project component of the Proposed Project and the IVfcrcy House project «dll <br />provide up to 220 ne«= residential units. As cmrentl}= designed these projects «•ill pros=ide 121 <br />rental units affordable to those meeting the Orange County= criteria for Low, ~rciq-Low and <br />Extremely Love= Income, three market rate rental units, six For-sale units affordable to those <br />meeting the Orange County= criteria far 1Vloderate Income, and 2G market-rate for-sale units. 't'his <br />creates a combined total of 156 new residential units. OF these, 127 will be deed-xesu-icted <br />affordable housing and will be counted towards the City's RIINA requirement. These 127 <br />affordable units represent 53% of all new units estimated to be constructed within the 2006-2014 <br />planning horizon of the Housing Element for the Transit Zoning Code area and represent 10% of <br />the City's total RHNA requirement for Very Low and Low Income housing (1,268 units -City of <br />Santa Ana Hoaasing Element 2006-2014 Table 4). This is a significant contribution to meeting both <br />the State mandated requirements for affordable housing production, as well as tneetitig a real need <br />for the residents of Santa Ana. In addition, the Mercy I-louse project (22 of the 127 previously <br />described units) meets the City's criteria For Special Needs housing, also identified as a need in the <br />I-lousing Element. Failure to appro~•e the Developer Project and the D4ercy House project will <br />elurunate an important new source oFaffordable housing and special needs housing. <br />k. The Deg=elopes Project furthers the Cit}•'s policy of "maximiz[ing] affordable housing on Agen~}=- <br />owned properties that is of high quality, sustainable, and avallable to various income lei=e)s." (See <br />Santa Ana Housing Element [2006-2014], Policy HE-2.8.) It meets the City's policy to "encourage <br />the construction of rental housing For Santa Ana's residents and vc•orkEorce, including a <br />commitment to very* lout=, lou> and moderate income residents and moderate income Santa tlna <br />workers" (Policy HE-23) and its policy to "facilitate and encourage a diversity and range in types, <br />prices, and sizes of housing, including single-family homes, apartments, town homes, mixed/muLti- <br />use housing, transit-oriented deg=elopments, and lip=e/work housing" (Policy HE-2.4). (See Santa <br />Ana Housing Element [2006-2014].) The Transit Zoning Code component of the Proposed <br />Project accomplishes this b}= creating zoning and affordable housing incentives that supports the <br />development of ne«• affordable housing by allowing for densities which provide the economies of <br />scale necessary to allow For below-market construction. The "Transit Zoning Code also provides For <br />a wide varlet}' of housing types which includes everything from single-Family detached houses to <br />ligh-rise mixed-use development. By allowing For a mixture of uses both horizontall}- on single <br />properties, and verticall}= within single buildings, the Transit Zoning Code provides opportunities <br />for a dim=crsc tnix of housing in furtherance of the Cit}•'s Housing Element. The Dc~-eloper Project <br />componeut of the Proposed Project accomplishes this by providing 124 new rental unts and 32 <br />new for-sale units. Of these units, 127 will be deed restricted to ensure their long-term <br />affordability. This ne~t• housing is comprised of a v=aricty= of product~~~~~}jbc~a~bn~~i~~Ld <br />Page 93 of 130 <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Flndings of FacyStatement of Overriding Conslderatlons 4_7 <br />