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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />371.203'.'i- persons by the year 201 SH, based on i~.c growth trends <br />Since 1990, the development of new housing in the City has not kept pace <br />with its population growth. 'I'bis has led to a significant increase in the <br />average household sire. The 2009I9~7 average in the City is 4.7~ persons per <br />household compared to 3.1H persons per household for the County. <br />"I'he -1~?f1`2009 housing stock of the City of Santa Ana consisted of <br />75.856T~r;i~~ units including 40.A75~~-~°osingle-family units and <br />34,978'"gin multiple-family units and mobile homes. Approximately 519 <br />percent of the housing units in the City are renter-occupied and 4946 percent <br />arc owner-occupied nee Census 2000. " ' - , <br />"I'he City's population is relatively young, with 115.074v^r,°ic^rcpersons <br />(34.13E3~5 %) younger than 18 years old. 'Phis is a greater percentage of <br />children than For the County as a whole (272.4-.4 %). In 2000, the City's <br />population wasis the youngest among the larger cities in the nation. In <br />addition, 18.132''-r$~'zi residents (5.46 %) were 65 years or older in 20003999. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS <br />Even though the City is largely developed, a number of environmental factors <br />must tx considered in planning For Future development activity: "I'he <br />environmental factors such as flooding and earthquake ftulcs which typically <br />constrain development arc not substantial deterrents to continued growth and <br />development in Santa Ana nor the region. Seismic, flooding, and airyuality issues <br />arc summarised below and furtherdiscussed in the Environmental Impact Report <br />for the Land Use Element: <br />No known major fault. traces arc located in Santa Ana_ However, the south- <br />central portions of the City, and areas with lower elevations along the Santa <br />Ana River, maybe subject to liquef tction in the event ofa major earthquake. <br />"I'hc Santa Ana River is the major drainage channel flowing through the City. <br />During severe storms, ovcrflow~s of the Santa Ana River could lead to <br />flooding. <br />Santa Ana is located in the South Coast Air Basin which has yet to attain <br />Federal and State standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulates. <br />Major development proposals will continue to be subject to governmental <br />review and oversight designed to improve air quality. <br />Resolution No. 2010-025 ,mss l ~` `` ~,`~ a ; <br />Page 9 8 of 9 07 ` a ,r ' ti-• ~ ,_r- <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN ~ <br />