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LAND USE ELE~nENT <br />GLOSSARY <br />Air Basin. One of 14 self-contained regions in the United States, minimally <br />inFluenced by air quality in contiguous regions. Santa Ana is located in the South <br />Coast Air Basin. <br />Air Pollutant Emissions. Discharges into the atmosphere, usually specified in <br />terms of weight per unit of time for a given pollutant. "1'he South Coast Air <br />Quality Management District. has identified primary pollutants including carbon <br />monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulates (PM~o), reactive organic gasses, and <br />sulfur dioxide. <br />Air Pollution Control District (APCD). A single- or multi-county agency with <br />Ic-gislative authoriq~ to adopt and enforce all rules and regulations necessary co <br />control non-vehicular sources of air pollutants in its area. T'he South Coast Air <br />Quality lVianagement District (SCAQMD) is the designated AYCD for chc South <br />Coast Air Basin. <br />Air Quality Standard. Ahealth-based standard for air pollution established by the <br />federal government and chc State. Santa Ana is located in the South Coast Air <br />Basin which isconsidered anon-attainment area for ozone and a number of other <br />pollutants <br />Ambient Air Quality. The quality of the air ac a particular time and place. <br />Ambient Noise Level. "I'he composite of noise from all sources near and far. In <br />chic context, the ambient noise Icvel constitutes the normal or existing level of <br />environmental noise at a given location. <br />Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). "I'hc-average equivalent A- <br />weighted sound level during a 29-hour day, obtained after addition offive decihcls <br />to sound levels in the evening from 7 P.M. to l0 PM. and after addition of 10 <br />decibels to sound levels in the night before 7 A.M. and after 10 P. M. <br />Conservation. "I'he management of natural resources to prevent waste, <br />destruction, or neglect. <br />Decibel (dB). A unit for describing the amplitude of sound, equal to 20 times the <br />logarithm to the base ] 0 ofthe ratio of the pressure ofche sound measured to the <br />reference pressure, which is 20 micropascals (20 micro Newtons per square <br />meter). <br />Density. lhvelling units per acre; population, families per square mile/acre. <br />Erosion. The process by which soil and rock are detached and moved. h}'running <br />water, wind, ice, and gravity. <br />-u r j I ~' ~'- Resolution No. 20'10-025 <br />~" ^- -°,'' `.., ti Page 37 of 107 <br />.,• , <br />t" yb CITY OP SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />